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8 Facts About Camila Cabello's Fifth Harmony Exit | Billboard News

Written by on March 20, 2019

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Reader's opinions
  1. wynneski   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    It's a basic matter in life. If you're no longer happy doing your work or being in a work environment you're in, and you have other options, let go and seek what can make you feel better inside. It's not like you're committing a crime against the law. Let go of the things and people that are becoming toxic in your life before you loose your real self. First phase wpuld suck but in time it'll fix themselves, and then you.

  2. Gabby Omega   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    LEAVING WAS THE BEST THING CAMILA COULD HAVE EVER DONE. At first I thought it was a terrible decision but she's on a good path now. Charts topped and an album coming. Fifth Harmony is doing fine and they each have some solo projects too. 🙂

  3. bizzare._. explanations   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    i dont understand how was she was selfish as she rejected CLOSER for the group. she was called attention-grabber , goat throat ,and backstabber cause normani and she wasnt the best of friends. she still doesn say one bad word about the past years. she had real anxiety attacks. she even said to keep up her solo and group activities she worked twice and slept less.

  4. YourFan   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    Almost 11 months later..its 5H who have an album out are touring while Camila album is still much for that she had it all worked out and ready to drop behond their backs!!Also yes She was blindsided by that split post she wanted to make her own music and they made it clear she cannot however all of them this whole yr hv worked on projects outside 5h and normani even signed a solo deal while ally is signed to RR.I only see hypocricy.

  5. Briahna Henderson   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    Why can't all of the girls just be friends again I don't like when they are apart like this it is so sad 😭 I know Camila she is always away from the girls in the red carpet she doesn't Camren rumors I get that but leaving the group and the rest of fifth Harmony makes me sad 😭 she can do what makes her happy if she wasn't happy in the group she wasn't happy at all and now Normani is going Solo I am happy for Mani I think she going to go grate but still I think they all go solo and be a Solo artist anyway think about it Lauren was going to go solo anyway because the girls was holding her back what is going on around here someone plz tell me 💔 😭😢 because I am lost 🤗

  6. Hadeebah Sanusi   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    Pursuing a solo career at the expense of others/business partners & betraying your closest definitely not as hurtful as telling them to go on hiatus..automatically putting their on lives & career on hold, for your own personal growth.
    Mind you,, they can't really do much on hiatus because it takes time to get good songs, writers and producers for a solo project, which Camelo already has on ground before requesting hiatus.

  7. Woei Qi Ang   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    I respect Camila a lot because maybe she was getting pushed on doing something that she didn't want to. Of course I have no hate for the girls but if Camila isn't ready, you can't force her. Te amo Camila.💞🌹

  8. Sol lomba   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    They were put together as a group, it worked at first but then producers and management started seeing Camila as a rising star that would become successful a lot sooner if she started doing solo projects which at the end would benefit the group. Camila started her solo projects just for fun and drama started developing because the other girls had a right to feel upset. Egos started to come in the way, they were not getting along so she left. It's not selfish, it wasn't working and let's not forget they were forced together by simon and the rest of the xfactor team. The girls never chose to be a group, it was the only option they had.

  9. Leen Alfaleh   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    When she was a solo artist in the X factor, she was illuminated. She was accepted when she was in a group, and it's also extremely selfish to leave them when they just started being known and popular. She wanted everything to be as an advantage for her and disadvantage for the group. She stayed some years in the group just to be popular then leave and become a solo artist. She's trying to be like Beyonce but it won't work.

  10. Nadine Pedersen   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    Honestly, I'm still broken, but I'm proud of her, and the other girls. I will always love and support ALL of them. I don't think it's selfish of her, she is simply following her heart. But I'm still sad because I'm OT5 af.

  11. xo xo   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    I respect her decision, though I love them as a group it was probably for the best. Her voice is really amazing, and unique. So when she was in the group most people focused on her voice, I think her exit gives room for the other girls to shine and let's Camila have the solo career she wishes for. I'm not saying the other girls aren't talented because they DEFINITELY are, Camila's voice is just more recognisable out of the lot. I'm extremely happy I got to see them all live before the break up but I wish Camila and the girls the best of luck for the upcoming future!

  12. homo goblin   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    ok but why is this such a huge drama? things werent working so camila is doing her own thing. does it actually matter why exactly? there are more important things to be worrying about right now, and the only reason i actually watched this was to see what the big deal was. oh wait. there isnt one. just let them make their music how theyre going to make their music.

  13. S F   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    I don't think she's selfish at all for leaving. People need to realize that you can't force someone to be apart of something they no longer feel apart of. It even said that she actually didn't want to leave but she kind of got kicked out. Yes she wanted a solo career but she still wanted to finish with 5h first. She even thanked fifth harmony many times and on the radio Disney even said she wouldn't be where she is without them. She just didn't feel right in the group and that shouldn't be a reason to hate on a 19yr old girl. I support her and fifth harmony as a whole. I do wish she would've stayed in the group while she made solo music because they're barely on their 2nd album and I felt like they had potential for so much more success. But I'm happy for her and people need to stop hating on either. If you support 5h then support them without bringing Camila down and Camila Stans the same to you. Just support who you want.

  14. lj5asn   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    Respect her 100%!!! They all wanted to be solo artist from the beginning and if she wanted to stay in the group and do solo projects and they denied her that then she didn't have another choice then to do what she loves!!! I will always support Camila!!!

  15. RN86FJ   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    Her sadness really became prominent around mid 2015 and by the end of that year she was miserable while being in the group and while she promoted IKWYDLS she was a completely different person. if her heart is set on making music that's important to her then I will support her no matter what. I stumbled upon this fandom not too long ago and it was Camilas audition that opened the door for me to 5H. while some aren't picking a side, I'm going to anyway. She has her reasons for doing what she did but all I know is that I'm going to support her all the way. #ProudCamilizer. I still respect the other girls and hope they keep doing their best!

  16. Vanessa Saavedra   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    Hopefully now fifth harmony can make r&b music and ballads without camila's pop oriented voice. She would make a great pop artist but I'm not a big fan of that sorta music so this is it for me. Bye Camila this is the last time I'm going to acknowledge her sorry.

  17. Maria Urcina   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    I kinda feel camila is ungrateful because she always get most of the solos and of course she was auditioning for a solo career since the beginning but they gave her a second chance along with four other girls, of course the group was not going to last forever but living just when they where getting their names on the top is just low

  18. Valerie Rios   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    I respect her decision. they chose not to support her accomplishments and turned it into something ugly. now they are all doing solo projects. hypocrites. so sad it could have been avoided.

  19. Jess R   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    I'm glad Camilla left the group she was the one only that stood out for me since X-factor days. The only reason I followed the group was because of Camilla. Camilla has the charisma, talent that draws people to make it as a superstar. I'm so ready for her next album & can't wait to see her in concert.

  20. Moriah   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    It's honestly about paying your dues. And she did not. Management will always try to break you up because there's more in it from them. You think camilas manager isn't gonna get more now that she's solo. But what her fans have to understand is she made the decision to leave and no one can make you do something you don't want to do in the industry. In my opinion fifth harmonys management had no other choice. You know how blessed you are to have a contract that allows you to do solo projects and group ones. The problem became when camila got more success with her solo projects then the other girls and she was releasing on a much faster pace and had more star power behind her probably due to her management. If fifth harmonys management kept her, camila would only be using the platform to promote herself which is unfair to the others who may have great solo projects but don't have a manager who's getting her all these good songs and deals. Plus you have to remember they were very successful as a group already so the other girls know they are better together. It's honestly liability. She proved that she was successful on her own so they took her training wheels off and said then go! Her fans are whining that she is just following her heart but don't realize that her management was using fifth harmonys platform to promote hers and that isn't fair to anyone in the group. So now she's gotta figure it out on her own. She wanted to do this, she could have been like ok no more solo projects and let's do another album and resigned but it's too late when she's already gotten this much attention for being solo. It's nobody's fault but management but they work for her. Her manager had been putting her in this position for quite some time like getting her a celeb mentor like Taylor. Getting her current and hot duets and increasing her exposure so y'all would learn to like her on her own. So we'll see how she does. Frankly Idk how I'm gonna like to listen to a whole album with her voice. She's had great duets but that's all she's proved so far. In my opinion she should have stuck it out a little longer and this girl needs to get humbled quick. Fifth harmony did sign up for being solo as well but saw that they were better as a group and so did Simon. Idk if y'all remember camillas story but this girl barely even made it in the group. She was an alternate that almost didn't get to audition. Count your blessings boo and don't let everyone saying you're the best in the group get to your head. She's getting exactly what she asked for and she better be ready. If I were fifth harmony I would release music wayyy before she's ready to cuz you don't want her to piggy back off of them and release a song around the same time. People are always gonna compare and group them together regardless so management and get their acts together. And fifth harmony should move on swiftly and efficiently and prove that they can do this. It'll only hurt more if they wait. Point of this whole story is camila and management wanted their cake and wanted to eat it too and fifth harmonys management was trying to keep it equal. Conflict of interest and business so she had to leave. And her fans need to have a come to Jesus moment and realize that she wanted to leave cuz she wanted more for herself.

  21. Lovatic_RN   On   March 20, 2019 at 11:36 am

    contracts can be renewed but obv camila didn't. i just wanna know why they/she chose to leave at the height of their career?? the awards kept pouring in the group was finally getting the recognition they deserve then they break up. it just doesn't make sense.

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