Premiere: London Trio Jacquard Looms Try To Move On From “Your Ugly Heart”
Written by SOURCE on September 3, 2020
London trio Jacquard Looms — aka Tommy, Spike and Joey — are today releasing their new single “Your Ugly Heart”, an entirely relatable song about putting everything you have into getting over a love that didn’t quite work out. Pinning all your hopes on someone who turned out to fall short of your expectations can be quite a gut punch — and surprisingly difficult to get over. “Your Ugly Heart” explores that sensation through a woozy blend of rap and R&B with a hint of something that could only very loosely be described as indie. Mirroring the feeling of all the colour draining from the world, the visuals (directed by the band themselves) put shots of them each looking defeated up against fading, happier memories. Press play exclusively at the top and try to remember that feeling won’t last forever.