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French Police Finally Shut Down Massive Rave That Lasted For Days

Written by on January 2, 2021

French police were finally able to end an illegal rave that drew more than 2,500 people from across the country, the New York Post reports

The rave party started on Thursday and was expected to last until at least Tuesday before it was finally broken up on Saturday. This wasn’t the first time police tried to stop the rager. Initial efforts to end the party were met with violent resistance from the attendees. It even resulted in at least three officers being injured, and one torched police car. 

As the situation started to get out of hand, France’s Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin called a late-night crisis meeting on Friday, which led to the response that ended to rave. In the process, more than 1,200 people were given official citations as they left the venue. Police are also looking into prosecuting the event’s organizers and have confiscated lighting and audio equipment while the charges are pending. 

The marathon party was in defiance of the country’s strict coronavirus lockdown regulations. France is currently the deadliest country in Western Europe as it relates to the coronavirus, with more than 64,000 COVID-related deaths reported since the pandemic took hold in the country. As a result, police are urging party-goers to self-isolate for at least 7 days since a witness admitted that “very few had respected social distancing.”

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