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Allen Iverson Says LeBron James ‘Is the One’ When Talking MJ Debate

Written by on August 5, 2020

Allen Iverson linked up with Fat Joe on Instagram for the rapper’s The Fat Joe Show.

During the chat, Iverson recalled his NBA days and also talked hip-hop with Joe. Speaking of the NBA, Iverson gave his updated take on the Michael Jordan vs. LeBron James debate and called the latter “the one.”

“Like, as much as I love Michael Jordan, like… Man, LeBron James is the one,” Iverson said. “He the one, man.”

The respect goes both ways. LeBron called Iverson “pound for pound, the greatest player ever” in 2013.

You can watch Iverson’s interview with Fat Joe in full up top via IG. 

Back in 2018, Iverson heaped praise on Michael Jordan and put him at No. 1 when dipping his toes in the ever-raging debate on who is the GOAT.

“Man….. listen. First of all, I love LeBron,” Iverson previously said, per CBS Sports. “I have nothing but love for LeBron. That’s the best player of his generation, one of the best ever, a great husband, great father, great role model, and it’s even beyond that: What he’s doing with that school in Akron?? It’s a beautiful thing. But y’all. We’re talking about Mike. We’re talking about Mike, O.K.?? We’re talking about Black Jesus himself. And I don’t really have much more to say beyond that. Mike is the GOAT……. Mike is always going to be the GOAT. And please don’t even insult me with any of this “stats, AI!” business, like you have a chance of changing my mind.”

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