Biden Discusses Plans to Run for Reelection in 2024
Written by SOURCE on March 25, 2021
Joe Biden is eyeing a second term in the White House.
During his first formal press conference of his presidency on Thursday, POTUS was asked if he intends to run for re-election in 2024. Biden, 78, became the oldest president in history when he took office back in January. Many have questioned whether he would pursue reelection due to his age. Election Day 2024 is a few weeks before Biden’s 83rd birthday; he would be 87 at the end of a second term.
“Have you decided whether you are going to run for reelection in 2024?” CBS News’ Nancy Cordes asked Biden. “You haven’t set up a reelection campaign yet, as your predecessor had done at this time.”
“My predecessor needed to,” Biden said with a laugh. “My answer is yes. My plan is to run for reelection. That’s my expectation. … I’ve never been able to plan four and a half, three and a half years ahead for certain.”
He was also asked if Vice President Kamala Harris would be his running mate in 2024. Biden, who has mistaken referred to his VP as “President Harris” on multiple occasions, said that was his plan.
“I would fully expect that to be the case,” he said. “She’s doing a great job. She’s a great partner.”
Trump has hinted at a 2024 presidential run since losing to Biden in November; he will be 78 on Election Day.
“Based on every poll, they want me to run again but we’re going to take a look and we’ll see,” he told Fox News Primetime earlier this month. “First steps first, we have to see what we can do with the House. I think we have a very, very good chance of taking back the House.”
Biden was pressed about possibly facing Trump in the next presidential election. He admitted he doesn’t spend time thinking about that scenario, and questioned whether the GOP would even exist in 2024.
“Oh, come on. I don’t even think about—I have no idea,” Biden said when asked about his potential GOP challenger. “I have no idea if there will be a Republican Party. Do you?”