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Bill Maher Tells Stan Lee Fans to ‘Grow Up’

Written by on January 26, 2019

Bill Maher isn’t backing down from his disparaging comments about comic book culture

Back in November, the TV host/political commentator published an op-ed that criticized the medium’s adult fans. He shared the essay just days after Stan Lee died at 92, suggesting the comic legend was not only overrated, but that he also contributed to the dumbing down of society.

“The problem is, we’re using our smarts on stupid stuff,” Maher wrote in a blog. “I don’t think it’s a huge stretch to suggest that Donald Trump could only get elected in a country that thinks comic books are important.”

Maher revisited the controversy on Friday’s episode of HBO’s Real Time. The 63-year-old insisted the essay wasn’t an attack on the late Lee, but rather a critique on those who are “stuck in an everlasting childhood.”

“I posted a blog that in no way was an attack on Mr. Lee, but took the occasion of his death to express my dismay at people who think comic books are literature and superhero movies are great cinema and who, in general, are stuck in an everlasting childhood,” he told the audience. “Bragging that you’re all about the Marvel Universe is like boasting that your mother still pins your mittens to your sleeves.

“You can, if you want, like the exact same things you liked when you were 10; but if you do, you need to grow up. That was the point of my blog,” he continued. “I’m not glad Stan Lee is dead, I’m sad you’re alive.”


Maher went on to say he didn’t realize how many people he had pissed off until 40,000 people unfollowed him on Twitter. Was he upset about the loss? Not at all.

“I say ‘Good riddance, follow Yogi Bear,'” he said before addressing director Kevin Smith, who accused Maher of “taking a shot when no shots are f*cking necessary.”

“Again, my shot wasn’t at Stan Lee. It was at, you know, grown men who still dress like kids,” he said. “Can we stop pretending that the writing in comic books is so good? Oh please! Every superhero movie is the same thing: A person who doesn’t have powers, gets them, has to figure out how they work, and then has to find a glowy thing.

“And, again, there is nothing wrong with a man writing comic books,” Maher continued. “There is something wrong with adults thinking they’re profound.”

You can hear Maher’s full comments above. 

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