On Monday (Nov. 4), Harry Styles announced the release date for his upcoming sophomore solo album, ‘A Fine Line,’ and the news officially sent his fandom …
But what laziness is still using sexuality to capture public, that already change the subject … or do not believe in his talent? so much that he defends the gay community and yet he hides what he is, very absurd! Using this theme to create fame makes me very, very low… by the way, his look does not favor anything,VERY UGLY! if the he has reached the law of the small donkey!
renata B G On November 5, 2019 at 3:29 pm
But what laziness is still using sexuality to capture public, that already change the subject … or do not believe in his talent? so much that he defends the gay community and yet he hides what he is, very absurd! Using this theme to create fame makes me very, very low… by the way, his look does not favor anything,VERY UGLY! if the he has reached the law of the small donkey!
んな訳ねぇか On November 5, 2019 at 3:29 pm
He styles himself like MiKA or Troy Sivan ?
B. D On November 5, 2019 at 3:29 pm
Harry my crush