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The Minnesota Timberwolves may have found their new owners. According to CBS Sports, Alex Rodriguez and entrepreneur Marc Lore are finalizing a deal to purchase the Wolves from current owner Glen Taylor, who purchased the franchise for $88 million in 1994. The two reportedly signed a letter of intent on Saturday, giving them a 30-day window to close the deal, which […]

Alex Rodriguez and his also extremely famous fiancé, Jennifer Lopez, reportedly have interest in buying the New York Mets, according to a report from Variety. If such a thing were to actually happen, which would be a ways off in even the quickest scenario, such a development would be especially interesting considering Derek Jeter’s Marlins […]

The United States has been hit hard by the coronavirus, which is reportedly forcing President Trump to reach out to unexpected sources in hopes of figuring out how to curb the pandemic.  Sources told ABC News on Friday that Trump reportedly had a conversation with former New York Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez. Those close to […]

On Sunday evening, Alex Rodriguez was in San Francisco to color commentate during ESPN’s national broadcast of the Phillies-Giants game. Unbeknownst to him, shortly after he was through working, his rental car was being robbed by one or more Bay Area thieves. In fact, according to TMZ Sports, A-Rod lost roughly half-a-million dollars worth of stuff […]

Today is Jennifer Lopez’s 50th birthday, and as a tribute to the musician and actress, Miami Beach, Florida has officially named July 24 “Jennifer Lopez Day.” Mayor Dan Gelber and Commissioner Michael Gongora plan to gift Lopez with the proclamation alongside the keys to the city on Wednesday night before her string of three shows at […]