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	<title>aaron-paul &#8211; FRESHEST FM</title>
		<title>Penn Badgley Says He Lost ‘Breaking Bad’ Role to Aaron Paul</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 18 Feb 2023 20:41:19 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/penn-badgley-says-he-lost-breaking-bad-role-to-aaron-paul/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Like many actors, Penn Badgley has lost “a bunch” of roles throughout his career; however, he says the hardest lost was  Breaking Bad. During a recent appearance on BuzzFeed’s The Puppy Interview, Badgley confirmed he had auditioned for the role of Jesse Bruce Pinkman—one of the main protagonists in the critically acclaimed series.  “One I got so close on [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br />
<p>Like many actors, <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/tag/penn_badgley" rel="noopener">Penn Badgley</a> has lost “a bunch” of roles throughout his career; however, he says the hardest lost was  <a target="_blank" href="http://www.complex.com/tag/breaking-bad" rel="noopener"><em>Breaking Bad</em></a>.</p>
<p>During a recent appearance on <a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRzbqclsdYU" rel="noopener">BuzzFeed</a>’s <em>The Puppy Interview</em>, Badgley confirmed he had auditioned for the role of Jesse Bruce Pinkman—one of the main protagonists in the critically acclaimed series. </p>
<p>“One I got so close on was <em>Breaking Bad</em>,” he said when asked about some of his most surprising auditions. “It was between me and <a target="_blank" href="http://www.complex.com/tag/aaron-paul" rel="noopener">Aaron Paul</a>. We tested. And actually that was the best television script I’d read at that point. That was the one that got away.”</p>
<p>TV may have been much different had Badgley secured the part. He received his breakout role in the CW teen drama Gossip Girl, which premiered in September 2007. <em>Breaking Bad</em> made its FX debut just several months later, which suggests Badgley would’ve had to choose between the two series.</p>
<p>Paul played Pinkman throughout <em>Breaking Bad</em>’s five-season run, which earned him multiple accolades, including three Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series. Years after the show’s finale, Paul said he wasn’t confident he would land the role, as he was convinced that Badgley had a look that was more fitting for a meth cook/dealer.</p>
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<p>“Right when [Badgley] walked in, I was like, ‘Oh my God, that guy looks like a meth addict.’ In a good way!” he told Entertainment Weekly in 2020. “He was just in the role. I was like, ‘This guy is going to steal it from me. But after the test, it took about two weeks to finally let me know.”</p>
<p>Badgley is currently on a promotion tour for the fourth and final season of <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/a/karla-rodriguez/you-season-4-netflix-review" rel="noopener"><em>You</em></a>, a Netflix series in which he plays a stalker serial killer.</p>
<p><br />
<br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/penn-badgley-reflects-on-losing-breaking-bad-role">Source link </a></p>
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		<title>Super Bowl 2023 Commercials: Diddy, Doja Cat, and More</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 13 Feb 2023 06:19:08 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/super-bowl-2023-commercials-diddy-doja-cat-and-more/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Rihanna is set to unite the globe this Sunday, complete with some generous opening and closing entertainment from two football teams, with her headlining performance as part of the Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show. But this piece isn’t about that. Instead, we’re going to take an exhaustive look at the haul of Super Bowl commercials that [&#8230;]]]></description>
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<p><a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/rihanna" rel="noopener">Rihanna</a> is set to <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/music/rihanna-teases-fans-super-bowl-trailer" rel="noopener">unite the globe</a> this Sunday, complete with some generous opening and closing entertainment from <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/nfl" rel="noopener">two football teams</a>, with her headlining performance as part of the <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/music/rihanna-super-bowl-new-music" rel="noopener">Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show</a>.</p>
<p>But this piece isn’t about that. Instead, we’re going to take an exhaustive look at the haul of <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/super-bowl-2022-commercials" rel="noopener">Super Bowl commercials</a> that will also play a major role in Sunday’s wall-to-wall lineup. As always, this year’s assortment boasts a slew of familiar faces, each stepping up to <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/capitalism" rel="noopener">hawk various foods and beverages and other brands</a> in some oft-charming, routinely memorable ways. </p>
<p>Hell, even a notorious (albeit fictional) teacher-turned-meth-lord is getting in on the action this year. In a recent interview with Extra’s Rachel Lindsay on the decision to revive his <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/breaking-bad" rel="noopener"><em>Breaking Bad</em> character Walter White</a>, Bryan Cranston revealed that this PopCorners endeavor—which also features <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/aaron-paul" rel="noopener">Aaron Paul reviving Jesse Pinkman</a>—could very well mark the last time fans see the character.</p>
<p>“I’ve had opportunities to bring Walter White back into the milieu twice,” <a target="_blank" href="https://extratv.com/2023/02/06/bryan-cranston-on-reviving-walter-white-for-breaking-bad-super-bowl-ad-exclusive/" rel="noopener">Cranston noted in the interview</a>. “I did it for Aaron’s movie <em>El Camino</em> and then once again for <em>Better Call Saul</em>. We were able to come back. And each time, we think, ‘Well, this is the last time we’re ever going to do this.’ And then PopCorners calls and it was like, ‘Well, we’ll do it one more time and then that’s it.’ So this might be the retiring episode of the <em>Breaking Bad</em> universe.”</p>
<p>Whether you believe Cranston’s assessment or not, get a closer look at this year’s Super Bowl commercials lineup below. Other notable stars featured across this year’s smorgasbord of big game spots include <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/diddy" rel="noopener">Diddy</a>, <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/adam-driver" rel="noopener">Adam Driver</a>, <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/serena-williams" rel="noopener">Serena Williams</a>, <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/danny-mcbride" rel="noopener">Danny McBride</a>, and more.</p>
<p><br />
<br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/super-bowl-2023-commercials-ads/">Source link </a></p>
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		<title>Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul to Star in Final Season of ‘Better Call Saul’</title>
		<pubDate>Sun, 10 Apr 2022 16:01:26 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/bryan-cranston-and-aaron-paul-to-star-in-final-season-of-better-call-saul/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul will reprise their roles as Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in the forthcoming season of AMC’s Better Call Saul. Variety reports Better Call Saul co-creator Peter Gould confirmed the news on Saturday during a panel at PaleyFest in Los Angeles. “I don’t want to spoil things for the audience, but I will say [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br />
<p><a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/tag/bryan-cranston" rel="noopener">Bryan Cranston</a> and <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/tag/aaron-paul" rel="noopener">Aaron Paul</a> will reprise their roles as Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in the forthcoming season of AMC’s <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/tag/better-call-saul" rel="noopener"><em>Better Call Saul</em></a>.</p>
<p>Variety <a target="_blank" href="https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/bryan-cranston-aaron-paul-better-call-saul-1235229217/" rel="noopener">reports</a> <em>Better Call Saul</em> co-creator Peter Gould confirmed the news on Saturday during a panel at PaleyFest in Los Angeles.</p>
<p>“I don’t want to spoil things for the audience, but I will say the first question we had when we started the show was, ‘Are we gonna see Walt and Jesse on the show?’ Instead of evading, I’ll just say yeah,” Gould revealed. “How or the circumstances or anything, you’ll just have to discover that for yourself, but I have to say that’s one of many things that I think you’ll discover this season.”</p>
<p>“If you can believe it, there’s more,” Bob Odenkirk teased, with Gould cutting him off before he could spoil too much.</p>
<p>The announcement arrives just a few days after <em>Breaking Bad</em> co-creator Vince Gilligan told <em>Variety</em> on Thursday: “These two worlds cross over in a way that you haven’t seen before, that’s for sure,” Gilligan said. “It would be a damn shame if the show ended without [Cranston and Paul] appearing, would it not?”</p>
<p>Meanwhile, while on the red carpet for Thursday’s premiere, Odenkirk told <em>Variety, </em>“I personally feel that the two shows — ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘Better Call Saul’ — are entwined even more than ever in the final season. And I think that’s surprising and cool, and it’s gonna make you want to watch ‘Breaking Bad’ again.”</p>
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<p>The sixth and final season of <em>Better Call Saul</em> premieres on April 18 on AMC. Watch the trailer below.</p>
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<p> </p>
<p><br />
<br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/bryan-cranston-aaron-paul-guest-star-final-season-better-call-saul">Source link </a></p>
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		<title>Westworld Season 3 Finale Is Empty &#038; Unfulfilling</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 04 May 2020 17:36:49 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/westworld-season-3-finale-is-empty-unfulfilling/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[“Does Westworld lowkey suck? I’m never sure.” My co-worker’s tweet summed up the weekly conundrum that comes with watching this show in a succinct 45 characters. In the beginning, the matter of its quality wasn&#8217;t so unclear. Not just the beginning of the series—which, regardless of your mileage on what came after, is a Hall of [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br />
<p>“Does <em>Westworld</em> lowkey suck? I’m never sure.” <a target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/ADiaz456/status/1257171631996375040" rel="noopener noreferrer">My co-worker’s tweet </a>summed up the weekly conundrum that comes with watching this show in a succinct 45 characters. In the beginning, the matter of its quality wasn&#8217;t so unclear. Not just the beginning of the series—which, regardless of your mileage on what came after, is a Hall of Fame Great Pilot<img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/72x72/2122.png" alt="™" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />, objectively—but the beginning of this season. It held so much promise. It made good on both Dolores’ threats and the increased freedom TV shows have now to totally reinvent and reboot at will. <em><a href="https://www.complex.com/tag/westworld" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">Westworld</a>’</em>s Season 3 premiere was only <em>mostly</em> <em>Westworld</em>: only three series regulars appeared, a new character’s introduction took up the lion’s share of screentime. The titular park’s Oregon Trail facsimile surface and drab futuristic subterranean labs? Gone. In its place, the “outside world” sentient hosts like Dolores and co-protagonist Maeve spent the last two seasons dreaming of, all flying cars, higher skyscrapers and sleek outfits to match, like if the aesthetic of <em>Batman Beyond</em> was sapped of its vibrancy and rendered live-action. We were reintroduced to Dolores in neo-noir femme fatale mode, taking vengeance on the uber-one percent and surrounded by new additions like the always-welcome character actors Tommy Flanagan and John Gallagher Jr. What’s not to like? But as Dolores and newcomer <a href="https://www.complex.com/tag/aaron-paul" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aaron Paul</a>’s Caleb’s paths converged, instead of looking forward to the season to come I tempered my expectations and optimism to simply bask in the thrill of enjoying <em>Westworld</em> without reservations while it lasted. And lo and behold: by week 2, we were back at the park.</p>
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<p><em>Westworld</em> has always been wayward and problematic in the weirdest ways. Its issues are borderline intangible: the cast is excellent, the budget looks like it could sustain a Phase 2 Marvel movie, the broad strokes of the story are compelling. Or at least, they should be. Husband-and-wife showrunners Jonah Nolan and Lisa Joy simply don’t know how to tell it. Or rather, how to assemble their puzzle pieces for maximum emotional investment and impact; if their writers&#8217; room has a mood board, it’s probably just an image of <a target="_blank" href="https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&amp;v=2&amp;jpgQuality=100&amp;width=700&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F022%2F524%2Ftumblr_o16n2kBlpX1ta3qyvo1_1280.jpg" rel="noopener noreferrer">the Charlie Day conspiracy board meme</a>. Executive producer J.J. Abrams is the auteur with a rep for “mystery box storytelling,” but he’s never met a narrative he couldn’t [over]simplify in favor of putting fun and character first. (Except maybe Season 3 of <em>Alias</em>.) [<em><strong>Ed. note</strong></em>: here this nigga go.] Nolan and Joy could’ve used a top edit from him. Of course, an affinity for tangled web narratives and Russian doll plot structures is to be expected from the guy who co-wrote <em>Memento</em> and <em>Inception</em> (and the rest of his big brother Chris’ other original films). But now imagine those classics stretched from two hours to multiple seasons with nothing but stylistic flair sustaining the story. After a while, the tricks wear thin.</p>
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<p><em>Westworld</em> often gets in its own way, mistaking narrative and structural complexity for depth.  Season 1 dangled timeline trickery and a huge character turn in the audience’s face until it became so painfully obvious that the “reveal” landed with a thud. Season 2 was upfront about its dual timelines—only, the flashforwards designed to heighten the intrigue about the outcome of Dolores&#8217; robot revolution actually just sapped the urgency of the present. And Season 3? One timeline, but despite a shorter episode order (by two), the second episode is an exercise in dicking around that somehow manages to make Maeve’s—Maeve!—grand reintroduction to the narrative woefully tedious. </p>
<p>Season 1 emerges as the best season with every rewatch (and I rewatched both ahead of 3 because a part of me knew without a complete recollection of the plot there was zero chance at enjoying a series that doesn’t have much else to offer). It plays like a ten-episode prequel to the real show—which is to say, it drags—but what it lacks in momentum it makes up for in development. Thandie Newton has had this series on her back for a while, but that would be impossible without the time and care put into Maeve’s slow-but-sure story of self-awakening and self-empowerment. And fan favorites like Bernard have spent the rest of the series coasting off the development they received in Season 1. Season 2 started with violence and vigor but quickly petered out into a nonsense series of MacGuffins and non-starters, so much so that by the time we got to the post-credits teaser, instead of what-the-fuck intrigue I reacted with what-the-fuck resignation and exhaustion.</p>
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<p>Season 3 offered an opportunity to streamline. Instead, Nolan and Joy might have totally lost the plot. Bernard, who rounds out a triumvirate of co-protagonists with Dolores and Maeve, spent the season embarking on one waste of time after another. William, once the show’s most reliable spark second to Maeve, saw his arc reduced to nonsense much to <a target="_blank" href="https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/westworld-season-3-ed-harris-man-black-explained-1290835" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ed Harris’ vocal chagrin</a>. (His death was a mercy killing—once the character devolved into literally just growling about how he was “going to save the fucking world” a dozen times across two episodes, it was clearly a wrap.) Maeve sacrificed herself for a “daughter” that didn’t even recognize her as such—instead of leaving it on the bittersweet note of watching her skip off into the sunset with another mother figure, a “reunion” is still being dangled as her primary motivation. Dangled by a new villain, the personification of one of the season’s biggest fails: a complete waste of the great Vincent Cassel as a cardboard evil trillionaire who, in a clumsy retcon, has been the final boss looming over Delos, Westworld and uh, the entire world, this whole time.</p>
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<p>Did we need this guy here? Dramatizing Dolores unleashed on the world with a quest to upend human society was always going to be morally grey. Instead of rising to that challenge, we get Cassel’s Serac, the human copout: a man so villainous, heinous and stupid—programming the world, really—it rendered the story an easy black and white. What’s worse, he was bland as hell, as underlined in a Serac-centric episode that did absolutely nothing to shade in the character. The same can be said of fellow newcomer Caleb, who allowed Paul to mope and moon over Dolores all season, fire some cool guns, and not much else. Maybe the reveal that Caleb killed his best friend <a href="https://www.complex.com/tag/kid-cudi" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">Kid Cudi</a> would’ve hit if we learned it before the penultimate episode, and before the end of an episode that telegraphed it then drew it out in the most tedious manner. </p>
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<p>I thought a shorter season would keep <em>Westworld</em> brisk and light on its feet; instead, the pacing has only gotten worse. Season 3 has all of <em>Westworld</em>’s typical problems&#8230;with next to none of its redeeming qualities. It turns out this thin arc didn’t even need eight episodes, and as such, episode 2 and onward is one lopsided, sluggish episode after another.  The exception being episode 4, the rare moment when the dozen or so disparate characters remembered they were on the same show and their subplots came together in an exciting collision course. Season 2 may be a failure on a sum-of-its-parts basis, but at least those parts are great on their own. For all the hype Shogun World had, the visit there amounted to nothing—but as directed by <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2020/03/the-hunt-director-craig-zobel-interview" rel="noopener noreferrer">Craig Zobel</a>, it’s a beautifully shot self-contained adventure. “The Riddle of the Sphinx” cribbed from the <em>LOST</em> storytelling book to reveal what William and his nefarious company were really up to, all while offering a path for redemption for him. And the Ghost Nation tribe-centric “Kiksuya” impressively reframed one of the show’s fringe story threads into a love story that gave the final conflict a beating heart it desperately needed. Style (“Akane No Mai”), execution “(Sphinx”), character (“Kiksuya”). Season 3 has no such silver-lining. The closest we got to stylistic flair was Aaron Paul taking a goofy designer drug that had his perspective cycling through&#8230;film genres. Paul’s Caleb staring at Dolores with heart eyes while a romantic drama score swelled as she blasted bad guys away was sweet, though.</p>
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<p>Now we&#8217;re left with a world on fire, a blaze the late Dolores (now a revolutionary martyr) hopes will cleanse humanity. Joss Whedon did the whole &#8220;predatory rich people inadvertently bring about the dystopian apocalypse&#8221; thing in two episodes of his deeply flawed but underrated series <em>Dollhouse</em>. <a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/best-tv-shows-to-watch-while-coronavirus-distancing/dollhouse" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">That show</a> also featured a shadowy corporation indulging one-percenter fantasies at the expense of increasingly sentient beings, with the apocalypse as the endgame. The road was bumpier, much less well-funded, and handicapped by the confines of broadcast network TV. Still, with a tenth of the budget and some truly awful filler episodes, I&#8217;d trade the flashes of brilliance that show awarded for the vacuum-sealed mid HBO enables with <em>Westworld</em>, where my Return on Emotional Investment shrinks with each passing season. And yet, the show&#8217;s potential, impressive scope and tantalizing ideas make it near impossible to just write off. Again: Jonah Nolan has <a href="https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0634300/#writer" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">co-written</a> some of the best sci-fi blockbusters for the last decade-and-a-half. Season 4 will probably look like a billion bucks and roll out with a trailer that draws all of us back in just to arrange and execute that story in the most tedious way. See you there.</p>
<p><br />
<br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2020/05/westworld-season-3-review">Source link </a></p>
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		<title>&#8216;Westworld&#8217; Fans Discover Hidden Trailers for Season 3</title>
		<pubDate>Sun, 23 Feb 2020 02:36:20 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/westworld-fans-discover-hidden-trailers-for-season-3/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Anticipation for Westworld&#8216;s return is getting stronger. Shortly after HBO released the official trailer for season 3, several die-hard fans came across a set of hidden trailers on the series&#8217; viral marketing website. Reddit user MTC_Chickpea was among the first people to point out the videos, which were discovered on the site for Incite Inc., a fictional [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br />
<p>Anticipation for <em><a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/tag/westworld" rel="noopener noreferrer">Westworld</a>&#8216;</em>s return is getting stronger.</p>
<p>Shortly after <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/tag/hbo" rel="noopener noreferrer">HBO</a> released the official <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2020/02/hbo-westworld-season-3-trailer" rel="noopener noreferrer">trailer for season 3</a>, several die-hard fans came across a set of hidden trailers on the series&#8217; viral marketing website. Reddit user MTC_Chickpea was among the first people to point out the videos, which were discovered on the <a target="_blank" href="https://inciteinc.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer">site for Incite Inc.</a>, a fictional tech company that will be introduced in the forthcoming season.</p>
<p>The redditor explained they found the three videos when visiting the site with a VPN and clean browser history. Those trailers were uploaded through YouTube on Wednesday and have remained unlisted since.</p>
<p>Per MTC_Chickpea:</p>
<p>On Inciteinc website, the my privacy tab plays a video showing the official trail ( Catagory G ). If you cycle through it kicks on different ones about every 25 tries or so. I got lucky with a VPN and clean browser history got different trailer right away.</p>
<p>The videos—titled &#8220;Free Will Is Not Free,&#8221; &#8220;Your World,&#8221; and &#8220;When Caleb Meets Dolores&#8221;—include new dialogue and never-before-seen shots from season 3. We see Vincent Cassel&#8217;s villainous character in a tense moment with Aaron Paul&#8217;s Caleb; in another scene, Evan Rachel Wood&#8217;s Dolores is on the floor screaming in agony as tubes penetrate her body; and there&#8217;s also a shot of Katja Herbers&#8217; Grace—the Man in Black&#8217;s (Ed Harris) daughter who was killed in season 2. Herbers hinted at her possible return during an interview with <a target="_blank" href="https://www.thewrap.com/westworld-season-3-katja-herbers-emily-grace-infinite-copies-could-return/" rel="noopener noreferrer">TheWrap</a> last month.</p>
<p>&#8220;I wish I could see an agent, &#8217;cause I have no idea what I’m allowed to say,” Herbers told the outlet, when asked about her involvement in season 3. &#8220;I think anything is really possible, because my character was copied, right? I was wearing that hat. So there’s infinite copies of me that could be brought back at any time.&#8221;</p>
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<p>You can check out the hidden Westworld trailers below. The sci-fi series&#8217; season 3 premiere will air at 9/8c March 15 on HBO.</p>
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<p><br />
<br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2020/02/hidden-trailers-for-westworld-season-3">Source link </a></p>
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		<title>AMC Will Air &#8216;Breaking Bad&#8217; Marathon Ahead of &#8216;El Camino&#8217; TV Premiere</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 07 Jan 2020 23:28:11 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/amc-will-air-breaking-bad-marathon-ahead-of-el-camino-tv-premiere/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[El Camino: A Breaking Bad movie already hit Netflix and theaters last year, but it will officially debut on AMC next month. Ahead of the premiere, AMC will air a marathon of all five seasons of the beloved show. Better yet, the premiere of the movie on TV will also lead into the long-awaited fifth season [&#8230;]]]></description>
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<p><a href="http://complex.com/tag/el-camino/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>El Camino: A Breaking Bad</em></a> movie already hit <a href="http://complex.com/tag/netflix/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Netflix</a> and theaters last year, but it will officially debut on <a href="http://complex.com/tag/amc/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">AMC</a> next month. Ahead of the premiere, AMC will air a marathon of all five seasons of the beloved show. Better yet, the premiere of the movie on TV will also lead into the long-awaited fifth season of <em>Better Call Saul</em>.</p>
<p>The critically acclaimed series will kick off with Season One on Jan. 19, followed by Season Two on Jan. 26. Season Three, Four, and Five will start on Feb. 2, Feb. 9, and Feb. 16 respectively. <em>El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie</em> will make its TV debut on Feb. 16 at 8 p.m. ET, following the consecutive Sunday marathons. <em>Better Call Saul</em>, which received a premiere date for Season Five last November, will premiere on Feb. 23 at 10 p.m. ET.</p>
<p><em>Breaking Bad</em> has often been considered to be one of the best TV shows of all-time, so it would make sense for AMC to once again remind fans why that is. The story of Walter White has remained popular, despite coming to an end with Season Five in 2013. <a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/12/best-tv-seasons-of-the-2010s/breaking-bad-season-4" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">Complex recently named Season Four</a> the third best TV season of the 2010s, despite some stiff competition from <em>Game of Thrones</em>, <em>Mr. Robot</em>, <em>The Americans</em>, and <em>Atlanta</em>. </p>
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<p><em>Better Call Saul</em>, meanwhile, has also received critical acclaim. Without the core cast of <em>Breaking Bad</em>, most notably Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, the show focuses on Bob Odenkirk&#8217;s Jimmy McGill, also known as Saul Goodman. </p>
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		<title>Aaron Paul Details Memorabilia He Stole From &#8216;Breaking Bad&#8217; on Latest &#8216;Sneaker Shopping&#8217;</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 28 Oct 2019 16:23:25 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/aaron-paul-details-memorabilia-he-stole-from-breaking-bad-on-latest-sneaker-shopping/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[If you star in a show with the caliber of talent and critical acclaim found on Breaking Bad, it&#8217;s expected that you&#8217;ll swipe a few pieces of personal memorabilia during production. Sadly, for El Camino lead Aaron Paul, said swiping did not result in the procuring of some early era Jesse Pinkman sneakers. On the [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br />
<p>If you star in a show with the caliber of talent and critical acclaim found on <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/aaron-paul-talks-surprise-el-camino-cameos-in-new-interview" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Breaking Bad</em></a>, it&#8217;s expected that you&#8217;ll swipe a few pieces of personal memorabilia during production. Sadly, for <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/el-camino-a-breaking-bad-movie-nets-6-5-million-viewers-first-weekend" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>El Camino</em></a> lead <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/aaron-paul-predicted-jesse-pinkman-el-camino-fate-reddit-3-years-ago" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aaron Paul</a>, said swiping did not result in the procuring of some early era Jesse Pinkman sneakers.</p>
<p>On the latest episode of <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/sneaker-shopping" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Sneaker Shopping</em></a>, Paul discussed what he was able to bring home from the AMC classic and recalled receiving a letter from co-star Bryan Cranston requesting Smithsonian submission.</p>
<p>&#8220;He&#8217;s not that sentimental, Bryan,&#8221; Paul—who noted that Walter White did indeed wear the same pair of Wallabees throughout the original series production—said around the 5:20 mark in the video up top. &#8220;He actually wrote us all a letter after we were done. The Smithsonian did a big exhibit for <em>Breaking Bad </em>and he wanted us to donate all of our personal items that we got from the show to the Smithsonian. I read this letter and I&#8217;m like, &#8216;No, I&#8217;m not giving away my stuff.&#8217; But he ended up giving all of his stuff away. I don&#8217;t even know if he took the Wallabees. I mean, I would have taken the Wallabees.&#8221;</p>
<p>Instead, Paul managed to set aside a few choice pieces for himself.</p>
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<p>&#8220;Honest, I stole so much from that show, in a <em>nice</em> way,&#8221; he joked around the 6:15 mark. &#8220;I just kept a lot of things from the show. I have some classic old school Jesse attire. They would not let me keep those first sneakers, though. Jesse had the same sneakers for so long and I wanted to take them and they were like &#8216;No, no, no. Sony&#8217;s not letting you.&#8217; It&#8217;s alright, Sony. I took plenty more stuff.&#8221;</p>
<p>Indeed, Paul&#8217;s selections of politely lifted <em>Breaking Bad </em>items is enviable.</p>
<p>&#8220;I got the pinky teddy bear from the show,&#8221; he said. &#8220;I got two giant Los Pollos Hermanos semi-truck doors that were blown up by a machine gun. I mean, really, the list is endless.&#8221;</p>
<p>The <em>Breaking Bad</em> movie <em>El Camino</em>, meanwhile, has proven to be exactly the sort of gargantuan-level event fans had surely expected. According to data released by Netflix, the Pinkman-focused feature was watched by <a target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/netflix/status/1187050081645580288" rel="noopener noreferrer">more than 25 million households</a> during its first seven days of availability.</p>
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		<title>Aaron Paul Talks Surprise &#8216;El Camino&#8217; Cameos in New Interview</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 14 Oct 2019 12:36:50 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/aaron-paul-talks-surprise-el-camino-cameos-in-new-interview/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Surely, you&#8217;ve had plenty of time now to have consumed El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie via Netflix. That being said, just know that some of what&#8217;s included in this article does indeed constitute full-on spoilers for Vince Gilligan&#8216;s latest move of Breaking Bad universe expansion. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly for a feature published Sunday, [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br />
<p>Surely, you&#8217;ve had plenty of time now to have consumed <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/aaron-paul-plays-a-drinking-game-while-talking-el-camino-and-whats-next-with-bryan-cranston" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie</em></a> via Netflix. That being said, just know that some of what&#8217;s included in this article does indeed constitute full-on spoilers for <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/vince-gilligan" rel="noopener noreferrer">Vince Gilligan</a>&#8216;s latest move of <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/breaking-bad" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Breaking Bad</em></a> universe expansion.</p>
<p><a target="_blank" href="https://ew.com/tv/2019/10/13/aaron-paul-breaks-down-el-camino-surprise-reunions-and-odds-hell-play-jesse-again/" rel="noopener noreferrer">Speaking</a> with <em>Entertainment Weekly</em> for a feature published Sunday, star Aaron Paul gave his thoughts on reuniting with several beloved characters for the filmed-in-secret production, as well as addressed the likelihood of revisiting Jesse Pinkman again.</p>
<p>In terms of spoilers, Paul did indeed talk a bit about how it felt to bring Jesse Pinkman back into contact with Walter White by way of the movie&#8217;s flashback diner scene. The level of secrecy required to pull off shooting that scene, as fans now know, included private plane travel and <em>Star Wars</em>-esque cloaks.</p>
<p>&#8220;One hundred percent of those people were crew members or family of crew members,&#8221; Paul said of shooting the scene with Bryan Cranson. &#8220;We needed that diner to be filled with people who we could trust to not leak this information. And also just to be a part of it, you know? We wanted to be surrounded by loved ones, to be a part of this really cool day. The day Bryan came on set with that bald cap and those loafers and that classic Mr. White outfit. I mean, the faces that showed up, the people who flew in just to see this moment, they thought, &#8216;Well, look, if I’m going to visit one time, it’s gotta be during this time.&#8217; It was pretty cool to be a part of that.&#8221;</p>
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<p>On the film&#8217;s ending, which sees a reunion with Krysten Ritter&#8217;s character, Paul said &#8220;it was such a beautiful way to end the film.&#8221; The advice Jane gives him in that scene, Paul added, is indicative of Jesse&#8217;s journey in the film.</p>
<p>&#8220;Just take control of your own destiny and run with it,&#8221; he said.</p>
<p>As for more Jesse Pinkman in the future, Paul is only up for it if it makes sense and stays true to what fans have come to expect from the <em>Breaking Bad </em>projects in terms of quality.</p>
<p>&#8220;If Vince asked me to jump onto <em>Saul</em>, I would do it in a heartbeat,&#8221; he said. &#8220;And I would know it’s for very good reasons. So we’ll see. Look, we talk about it all the time, we really do, and we want to do it for the right reasons. We don’t want to just throw you in a scene that doesn’t make sense.&#8221;</p>
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<p><a target="_blank" href="https://ew.com/tv/2019/10/13/aaron-paul-breaks-down-el-camino-surprise-reunions-and-odds-hell-play-jesse-again/" rel="noopener noreferrer">Catch the full interview here</a>, preferably followed by a rewatch of <em>El Camino</em> in lieu of whatever you originally had planned for your day.</p>
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<br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/aaron-paul-talks-surprise-el-camino-cameos-in-new-interview">Source link </a></p>
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		<title>Aaron Paul Recalls Hate Mail He Got From Pissed &#8216;Lost&#8217; Fan While Shooting &#8216;Breaking Bad&#8217;</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 11 Oct 2019 13:04:29 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/aaron-paul-recalls-hate-mail-he-got-from-pissed-lost-fan-while-shooting-breaking-bad/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Not to worry, this entire article is wholly free of El Camino spoilers. Instead, this roughly 250-word concoction will focus on Aaron Paul&#8216;s Thursday night appearance on Late Late Show in which he detailed a bizarre piece of well-disguised hate mail he once received from a peeved Lost fan. &#8220;You know, I did receive a [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br />
<p>Not to worry, this entire article is wholly free of <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/aaron-paul-rewatched-one-breaking-bad-episode-to-get-into-jesse-mindset-el-camino" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>El Camino</em></a> spoilers.</p>
<p>Instead, this roughly 250-word concoction will focus on <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/aaron-paul-shares-favorite-breaking-bad-fan-tattoos" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aaron Paul</a>&#8216;s Thursday night appearance on <em>Late Late Show</em> in which he detailed a bizarre piece of well-disguised hate mail he once received from a peeved <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/09/hbo-watchmen-trailer" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Lost</em></a> fan.</p>
<p>&#8220;You know, I did receive a letter that was disguised as a really sweet letter during the shooting of <em>Breaking Bad</em>,&#8221; Paul told host James Corden when asked if he had ever received a &#8220;hate mail&#8221;-qualifying correspondence. &#8220;It had all these hearts and smiley faces on it—and I try to respond to as many of these fan letters as possible—and I open it up and it&#8217;s just this guy screaming at me so angry that I won the Emmy over a couple of his favorite <em>Lost</em> actors, Terry O&#8217;Quinn and Michael Emerson.&#8221;</p>
<p>The fault, Paul joked, was his own. &#8220;He was just so furious,&#8221; Paul said. &#8220;He was like, &#8216;How dare you take away an award from these brilliant actors?&#8217; It was my fault.&#8221;</p>
<p>Anyway, <em>El Camino</em> is out worldwide right now via Netflix. Just before the <em>Breaking Bad</em> universe-expander dropped overnight, Paul thanked the streaming service and the show&#8217;s dedicated fans for allowing him another opportunity to step into Jesse Pinkman&#8217;s mind.</p>
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<p>&#8220;Working with you on this project has been such a dream come true,&#8221; he <a target="_blank" href="https://www.instagram.com/p/B3c6rwrH2OF/" rel="noopener noreferrer">said</a> in an Instagram note. &#8220;Playing Pinkman for so many years was life changing and it was a gift to be able to jump into that skin yet again. I love the guy. Enjoy the movie everyone! It&#8217;s a fun ride.&#8221;</p>
<p><br />
<br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/aaron-paul-recalls-hate-mail-he-got-from-pissed-lost-fan-while-shooting-breaking-bad">Source link </a></p>
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		<title>Apple Shares &#8216;Truth Be Told&#8217; Trailer Starring Octavia Spencer and Aaron Paul</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 10 Oct 2019 16:39:07 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/apple-shares-truth-be-told-trailer-starring-octavia-spencer-and-aaron-paul/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Aaron Paul, who in a matter of hours will fulfill millions of Breaking Bad fans&#8217; collective wish of more BrBa has yet another potentially top-shelf project on the horizon. Truth Be Told, also starring Octavia Spencer and Lizzy Caplan, is a new limited series set for release Dec. 6 on Apple TV+. The show centers on podcaster Poppy Parnell [&#8230;]]]></description>
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<p><a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/10/aaron-paul-shares-favorite-breaking-bad-fan-tattoos" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aaron Paul</a>, who in a matter of hours will fulfill millions of <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/breaking-bad" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Breaking Bad</em></a> fans&#8217; collective wish of more <em>BrBa</em> has yet another potentially top-shelf project on the horizon.</p>
<p><em>Truth Be Told</em>, also starring <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/02/creepy-ma-trailer-octavia-spencer" rel="noopener noreferrer">Octavia Spencer</a> and Lizzy Caplan, is a new limited series set for release Dec. 6 on Apple TV+. The show centers on podcaster Poppy Parnell (Spencer) as she works toward getting a controversial murder case re-opened. Paul plays Warren Cave, a man who may have been put behind bars by mistake.</p>
<p>Elizabeth Perkins, Michael Beach, Mekhi Phifer, Tracie Thoms, Haneefah Wood and Ron Cephas Jones also star in the Nichelle Tramble Spellman-created series that&#8217;s among a slate of originals planned to premiere via Apple&#8217;s new competitive app.</p>
<p>The new service launches Nov. 1 in more than 100 countries and will be available via iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iPod Touch, Mac, and other platforms. After a week-long free trial, users will pay $4.99 for access.</p>
<p>Other announced Apple TV+ series include <em>Oprah&#8217;s Book Club</em>, <em>The Morning Show</em>, <em>Ghostwriter</em>, <em>Dickinson</em>, <em>Amazing Stories</em>, and <em>See</em>.</p>
<p>&#8220;Apple has always tried to make the world a better place and we believe deeply in the power of creativity,&#8221; Apple boss Tim Cook said of the brand&#8217;s television programming expansion earlier this year.</p>
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