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Elon Musk—who has claimed that the “far left hates everyone”—is accusing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of “hitting on me” after she tweeted about a “billionaire with an ego problem.” On Friday, AOC wrote that she was “tired of having to collectively stress about what explosion of hate crimes is happening bc some billionaire with an ego […]

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made her first Met Gala appearance on Monday, using the opportunity to feature a taxation-related message on her white gown by Brother Vellies. The New York Democrat, who earlier this week slammed Joe Manchin for his “weird” and “patronizing” decision to dismissively refer to her as “young lady,” had the phrase “tax the rich” […]

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s recent “verbal assault” on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could result in an investigation by the Ethics Committee. During a press conference, Pelosi referenced the incident, saying that Greene had engaged in “verbal assault” and “abuse.” The incident, reported on by the Washington Post on Wednesday, occurred outside […]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for an independent investigation following reports of a second former aide who has accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. “Lindsey Boylan and Charlotte Bennett’s detailed accounts of sexual harassment by Gov. Cuomo are extremely serious and painful to read,” AOC wrote on Twitter on Sunday. “There must be an independent […]

Violent hate crimes against Asian Americans are on the rise in the U.S. and have been for quite some time now. Back in March of 2020, a New York Times piece—featuring interviews with nearly two dozen people—took a hard look at the hate many Chinese Americans were facing while then-president Donald J. Trump repeatedly insisted on […]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez laid out her story of hiding from intruders during the January Capitol riot on a recent in-depth Instagram Live session. The right-wing media pushback was swift and unsurprising, both making fun of AOC for sharing that she feared for her life and questioning her version of events. The latest attack on her account is […]

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, has come under fire for a tweet honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on his holiday. Many have argued the agency falls woefully short of living up to the late Reverend’s “message of hope, justice and equality.”  ICE is tasked with dealing with illegal immigration, and despite their divisive role in the U.S. government, many found […]

In an Instagram Live stream on Tuesday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed that there was a moment she feared she “was going to die” during the Capitol riot.  As NBC News pointed out, Ocasio-Cortez said that at one point she had a “very close encounter,” citing security concerns at the Capitol. “I did not know if I was […]

Nancy Pelosi has been reelected as Speaker of the House despite a slim margin of victory, CNN reports. Of the 216 votes that Pelosi received, one notable name who stayed in her corner was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been lukewarm about having her serve another term. Ocasio-Cortez told The Intercept last month that she’s prepared to […]

Despite what a smattering of tweets and headlines would have you believe, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘s moving speech on the second night of DNC 2020 about the “grassroots campaign to reclaim our democracy”—during which she seconded the nomination of Bernie Sanders for POTUS—was merely standard procedure for the convention and not a diss of sorts aimed at […]