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Over the weekend, a senior citizen desperate enough for beer that she made a sign that said “I NEED MORE BEER!!” went viral, presumably due to her relatable predicament, or perhaps just the freakin’ novelty of it. The picture, which was taken by a relative, racked up more than 11,000 likes on Facebook, and was seen […]

Production of Corona beer has halted in Mexico amid concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. In a statement on Twitter, Corona producer Grupo Modelo announced that it would temporarily suspend production in order “to attend to the health emergency caused by the virus SARS-CoV2.” CNN Reports that the Mexican government would suspend all non-essential activities across […]

When it comes to the coronavirus, Doja Cat finds herself on the same wavelength as Elon Musk, which is to say she doesn’t give a fuck about it. A sentence like that probably needs a lot of context, but this will have to do for now: The coronavirus panic is dumb — Elon […]

Sports fans expect to pay for overpriced food when they go see their favorite team in person. But Hard Rock Stadium has taken things to the next level for Super Bowl LIV.  Per USA Today, hungry fans will have to shell out $16 for a hamburger, $15 for popcorn, $14 for a bottle of Bud Light, or buy a carved beef […]

Carson King, a 24-year-old fan of college football, helped raise more than $1 million for charity after he held up a sign at a game asking for donations to his Venmo so he could buy more beer. The sign read, “Busch Light Supply Needs Replenished,” and when the money started to come in, he pledged to […]

While it’s often encouraged for fans to interact with athletes, some sports lovers of every league have crossed the line and done things that have demeaned the players. This was the case during the Titans‘ season opener when a Browns fan decided to splash his beer on members of the Tennessee defense.  Heading into the […]

Having already introduced Jimmy Fallon to the expansive universe of a little establishment known as Olive Garden, it was only a matter of time before Post Malone and the Tonight Show host patronized another establishment in the name of late night television. In a special Sunday update to the Tonight Show catalog, Posty was deservedly taken […]

This week in our ongoing series Wow What a Fucking Terrible Idea, we have word of a bar backing out of originally announced plans to host a “MLKegs” event on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Indeed, the Des Moines Register reported Monday that Deringer’s Public Parlor in Cedar Falls, Iowa originally planned to throw the MLKegs event […]

David Schwimmer wants to clear his name once and for all regarding allegations claiming that he was somehow guilty of stealing a case of beer in Blackpool, England earlier this week. Blackpool Police posted a photo of the wanted thief, who bears a striking resemblance to Ross Geller from Friends, a character played by Schwimmer.  The […]

The Chiefs suffered their first loss of the season at Foxborough on Sunday, losing a 43-40 barnburner to the Patriots that saw the type of offensive fireworks that’s become the norm this NFL season. Chiefs wideout Tyreek Hill lived in the end zone, scoring three touchdowns on the day, which will live on in Bill Belichick’s nightmares:  His last touchdown […]