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A Miami preschool is catching heat after children were photographed in what appeared to be blackface. According to CNN, the incident took place in the first week of Black History Month at Studio Kids Little River, a daycare owned and operated by Patricia Vitale. On Feb. 3, a teacher shared several pictures on the school’s messaging app along with a […]

It’s been revealed that another contestant, this time involved in The Bachelorette franchise, donned blackface as part of a Halloween costume in high school. The image resurfaced this week, where Erich Schwer is shown wearing blackface while dressed as what TMZ says is Jimi Hendrix—wearing an afro and makeup that makes Schwer’s complexion darker. The […]

Fresh off the release of her new single “Don’t Go Yet,” Camila Cabello stopped by Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show on Friday to grace the NBC stage with the debut performance of the track.  Shortly after her performance, Cabello began trending on social media as some viewers accused one of her backup dancers of wearing blackface. The 24-year-old singer took to […]

A Russian TV station has generated outrage over a skit it aired in which an actress donned blackface to play Barack Obama. The caveat to that statement is that most of that outrage seems to be based in America, which is to say it’s unlikely to matter in any way to the actual station.  According to TMZ, the […]

In the wake of protests over the death of George Floyd, several powers that be in the entertainment industry reacted by scrubbing long-since completed projects (or providing contextual disclaimers) for scenes/depictions that some viewers might find racist. A couple choice examples include: NBC Universal yanking 30 Rock episodes with characters in blackface, The Office taking out […]

Lionsgate has opted to keep the Season 3 episode of Mad Men titled “My Old Kentucky Home,” which features John Slattery’s character Roger Sterling in blackface. Deadline reports the racist imagery will be addressed prior to the episode with a disclaimer explaining that the scene “shows how commonplace racism was in America in 1963.”  “This […]

According to The Wrap the creator of The Office, Greg Daniels, has edited out a blackface scene from a 2012 episode.  The episode in question is “Dwight Christmas,” and The Hollywood Reporter writes that it contained a brief scene where Dwight (Rainn Wilson) tries to get the staff of Dunder Mifflin to “celebrate a traditional Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas.” […]

Hours after Shane Dawson posted an apology video for past racist behavior, a clip surfaced that showed Dawson appearing to touch himself in a sexual manner while looking at a poster of an 11-year-old Willow Smith.  Both Jada Pinkett Smith and Jaden Smith called him out on Twitter.  On Friday night, the famed YouTuber posted a […]

Jenna Marbles, whose reach on YouTube included more than 20 million subscribers, has announced she’s leaving her main channel. “I wanna hold myself accountable and it’s painful to do it and it’s not fun and it hurts,” she said during the final moments of an 11-minute video titled “A Message,” uploaded Thursday. “I’m ashamed of things I’ve done and said […]

Deadline reports NBCUniversal will remove four episodes of 30 Rock from streaming services and syndication that featured characters in blackface. The removal comes at the request of series creator Tina Fey and executive producer Robert Carlock.  “As we strive to do the work and do better in regards to race in America, we believe that these episodes featuring actors […]

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