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A scientist has decided to name a newly-discovered species of millipede after none other than Taylor Swift, calling the insect a Nannaria swiftae—a.k.a. a Swift Twisted-Claw Millipede. As reported by Rolling Stone, Virginia Tech scientists Derek Hennen, Jackson Means, and Paul Marek named 16 new species in a paper published by ZooKeys, and Hennen revealed the naming of the Tennessee bug on his […]

TMZ has learned that an H&M store in New York City has been shut down as an investigation is launched in response to a photo posted on social media showing bugs crawling on a rack of hoodies.  The picture was shared Wednesday by a soon-to-be former H&M employee at the World Trade Center location. Twitter user […]

In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Diddy gave more context to a story about waking up one day with 15 cockroaches on his face. “One day, I woke up with, like, 15 roaches on my face,” Diddy recalled around the 1:50 mark in the Vanity Fair video. “People were like, ‘How did you know it was 15?’ and I was […]

Have the terrifying “murder hornets” returned to the U.S.? Experts aren’t sure. According to CNN, researchers in Washington state found a dead Asian giant hornet north of Seattle on Wednesday, marking the first “murder hornet” sighting in the U.S. this year. The Washington State Department of Agriculture said this particular insect was discovered “dried out” and had emerged earlier than usual, […]

A tradesman working at a construction site for a school in Queensland, Australia made a gross discovery that likely would’ve freaked out most people when he came across a massive moth. The insect or whatever moths are was the size of *thinks for a long time* I don’t know but look at this picture: The principal […]

An invasive species of shovel-headed garden worms (which you can also reference as hammerhead worms, should you ever think about them again for whatever reason) has been sighted in plots throughout the Atlanta area. In fact, at the literal moment of this typing, the worms have been spotted 143 times by 135 observers in the region. […]

Since the first Asian giant hornets appeared in the US, scientists have been working double-time to track them to their source and wipe them out. The so-called “murder hornets” are the largest species of hornet in the world and could wreak havoc on local ecosystems. After a few failed attempts to track captured hornets back […]

Checking the news in 2020 is a bit like reading the first few pages of a horror movie script every morning. A virus raged halfway around the world at the tail-end of winter, mummies tombs are being popped open, and now the murder hornets have escaped. Washington-based researchers reported they have lost track of a […]

Swarms of mosquitoes in Louisiana have left hundreds of cattle and some horses dead. WWLTV reports that, according to experts in southwest Louisiana, the clouds of mosquitoes became thick from Hurricane Laura, which, after it made landfall on Aug. 27, pushed the insects out of marshes. Veterinarian Craig Fontenot told the outlet that the mosquitoes […]

Scientists have just been approved to release 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes in the Florida Keys in an effort to decrease the natural mosquito population in the region, Fast Company reports. Oxitec, the U.K.-based company that engineered the mosquitoes, will leave boxes of male mosquito eggs in various areas in the Keys beginning in 2021. The mosquitoes have […]

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