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In an Instagram Live stream on Tuesday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed that there was a moment she feared she “was going to die” during the Capitol riot.  As NBC News pointed out, Ocasio-Cortez said that at one point she had a “very close encounter,” citing security concerns at the Capitol. “I did not know if I was […]

Citing an “ongoing potential for violence,” YouTube announced late Tuesday night that it had removed new content uploaded to Donald J. Trump‘s channel. The failed steak salesman’s channel has also been temporarily blocked from sharing new content for at least seven days, per a statement. “After review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential […]

Two-time Olympic gold medalist and professional swimmer Klete Keller has been identified in the crowd of people who stormed the U.S. Capitol building last week.  According to the New York Times, the 38-year-old former teammate of Michael Phelps was spotted in footage captured from Wednesday’s insurrection. Keller joined the U.S. Swim Team to compete in […]

If you’re adept at avoiding stories of the who-gives-a-fuck variety, then you likely missed the one about an aide vomitously referring to Trump, a failed steak salesman, as “the most masculine person ever.” That quote in question, as well as ongoing news surrounding the MAGA cult members who violently invaded the Capitol earlier this month, […]

In the aftermath of the violent riot that took place at the U.S. Capitol last week, Hallmark Cards has asked that a pair of Republican Senators, namely Josh Hawley (Mo.) and Roger Marshall (Kan.), return the four-figure donations that it made to them. That’s kind of a weird sentence.  As first reported in the political newsletter […]

Congressman Tim Ryan says that two Capitol Police officers have received temporary suspensions due to their actions during last week’s riot. One of those officers you may have actually seen at some point since Wednesday’s chaos, as he was at the center of a widely circulated clip that appeared to show him posing for a selfie: The other […]

The pro-Trump supporter who was seen roaming around the US Capitol last week in a fur hat with horns was taken into custody in Phoenix Saturday morning and charged with disorderly conduct, violent entry, and illegally being on restricted spaces within the Capitol grounds. Since then, he hasn’t eaten anything in the detention facility because, according to […]

In an open letter shared on Monday, more than 300 historians and constitutional scholars called for Donald Trump’s impeachment and removal from office. The letter argues that Trump poses “a clear and present danger to American democracy and the national security of the United States” as long as he remains in office.  “Since November 2020, […]

Melania Trump, whose husband is a failed steak salesman, has finally carved out enough time in her schedule to respond to last week’s violent (and ultimately fatal) invasion of the Capitol by MAGA supporters. In a statement shared to the official White House site on Monday, Melania said she was “disappointed and disheartened with what happened […]

Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, announced on Sunday the House will move forward with legislation to impeach Donald Trump. “Well, sadly, the person that’s running the Executive Branch is a deranged, unhinged, and dangerous president of the United States, with only a number of days until we can be protected from him,” Pelosi said during a […]