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According to CBS News, a wedding reception that took place over the summer in Maine has been linked to the deaths of seven people. These newest fatalities, which were caused by COVID-19, represent a morbid update as it was reported 10 days ago that the wedding had led to the deaths of three people. A local CBS […]

The site of Donald Trump‘s recent rally has been slapped with a $3,000 fine. According to CNN, the City of Henderson, Nevada, imposed the fine on the owner of Xtreme Manufacturing, a company that hosted Sunday’s indoor event. Local officials say the rally violated state mandates to prevent further spread of the coronavirus. Photos and videos show many mask-less […]

On Tuesday, it was announced that China will soon be easing restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic by allowing the nation’s movie theaters to sell 75 percent of available tickets per showing.  At the moment, cinemas in China are only allowed to be filled to half capacity. This new bump will kick in on September 25, […]

Eight people in Indonesia who refused to wear a face covering in public were required by local authorities to help dig the graves for those who have died from complications due to COVID-19, The Jakarta Post reports.  Suyono, the head of the Cerme district, explained that this order is meant to not only be an […]

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have isolated a biomolecule that they say neutralizes the virus that causes COVID-19 “completely and specifically.”  According to the local CBS affiliate, KDKA, scientists at the college’s School of Medicine have isolated the “smallest biological molecule to date” that can neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The find was published in a report […]

Everyday, Black Americans are reminded how minuscule their pain is in the eyes of their white counterparts.  On Monday, a video surfaced of Utah residents protesting coronavirus regulations. These citizens rallied outside the Washington County Administration building in hopes to have local government lift mask policies. The local ABC affiliate was on hand to document the […]

Human activity has forced the world’s wildlife populations to plummet by 68 percent in the last 50 years, with human consumption being the primary culprit. This new data comes from the 2020 Living Planet Report from the World Wildlife Fund, which evaluates population declines in over 4,392 observed species of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians […]

As we embark into the new normal of the United States amid the coronavirus pandemic, there’s one lingering question that seems to be more and more far-fetched as the months go by: when will things actually get back to normal? You know, that pre-COVID way of life where your checklist before heading out the door didn’t include a […]

There’s been a huge influx of students at Miami University in Ohio testing positive for the coronavirus since August, and one group held a huge house party over Labor Day weekend despite just recently testing positive. CBS News reports that body camera footage from the Oxford Police Department showed an officer approach a group of students […]

The much-anticipated Candyman reboot has been hit with another delay. According to Deadline, Universal Pictures has decided to postpone the Nia DaCosta-directed film to an unset 2021 date. The horror flick was originally set to hit theaters in mid-June, but was pushed back to Oct. 16 due to the coronavirus lockdowns. Deadline reports studio partners are assessing a new […]