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The debate over wearing masks in public is getting deadly. Not just because people with masks are less likely to transmit COVID-19, but they are also less likely to pull out guns because of them. One man in Florida pulled out a handgun on a man with his daughter after getting into a dispute over face masks.  […]

After extensive testing, a team of scientists at the University of Toronto have confirmed that a new face mask can actually “deactivate” the virus SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. You now have even more good reason to tell the anti-maskers on your Facebook feed to put a (antimicrobial) lid on it. The TrioMed Active mask, created by Quebec-based manufacturer i3 […]

A 43-year-old Michigan man responded by carrying out a stabbing when he was asked by a fellow customer to wear a mask. The man, identified as Ernest Ruis, had been told he would not receive service and was asked to leave the place of business prior to carrying out the stabbing. Later, he wielded his […]

The way COVID-19 has impacted movie theaters in 2020, it didn’t make sense to cobble together a full Best Movies of 2020 feature for our mid-year round-up. Not only do Khal and Frazier share their rough top 5s for the year (so far), but they also examine the evolving realm of VOD, some of the […]

Studies of a potential coronavirus vaccine has yielded promising results, U.S. researchers announced Tuesday. According to the Associated Press, the experimental vaccine produced high levels of neutralizing antibodies in all 45 volunteers who received it during the phase 1 trial. Researchers say this immune response was found across all patients who were administered various doses; however, the vaccine requires two doses about a month apart […]

In accordance with new instructions handed down by the Trump administration, hospitals will now be sending information pertaining to the coronavirus to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  This new directive, which was quietly published on the HHS website, will begin on Wednesday, […]

The same administration whose fumbling of COVID-19 containment efforts ultimately worsened the ensuing jobs crisis would now like to shame you into finding “something new” to do for a living, even as the virus continues to bag an alarmingly high number of new cases around the country. An ad campaign backed by the White House focuses on […]

During a press conference on Monday afternoon the Director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, continued with the theme of pleading with Americans to put on a mask to stymie the spread of COVID-19. He said that, if everyone complied with said pleading, then “over the next six weeks we could […]

Washington Mystics star and reigning WNBA MVP Elena Delle Donne told ESPN Monday that the league’s panel of physicians have denied her request to opt out of the 2020 season due to medical concerns. “The independent panel of doctors the league appointed to review high-risk cases have advised that I’m not high risk, and should be permitted to play in […]

In what should probably serve as a cautionary tale for other players attempting to test the sanctity of the NBA’s Disney-quarantine bubble, the Kings’ Richaun Holmes is currently on day two of a mandatory 10-day quarantine, after he briefly left the league’s isolation zone to pick-up some food being delivered to him.  Holmes’ transgression comes […]