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A new cluster of COVID-19 cases has been detected in Arkansas after a group of high school students had a pool party. “A high school swim party that I’m sure everybody thought was harmless,” Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said of the gathering, according to Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson told the New York Post that though everybody likely […]

A Cameroonian pastor and politician who claimed to have cured COVID-19 through faith has died from complications with the virus. 39-year-old Frankline Ndifor died on Saturday, Voice of America reports. Dr. Gaelle Nnanga told Voice of America that one of Ndifor’s followers called him to the home on the day of his death. When he arrived, he found the […]

The anti-malaria drug that Donald Trump has praised as a treatment for coronavirus patients has been linked to increased death rates and heart risks, a study finds. CNN reports that seriously ill patients with coronavirus who were given the drug were actually more likely to die, despite what Trump has said. The large observational study took into account […]

The world sucks, so eat a fried chicken sammy about it. When your political leader does something stupid or racist, or when a deadly new virus threatens to claim thousands of lives and cancel your autumn concert plans, or when you’re just too bored in the house, it’s normal to want to assuage feelings of despair with […]

Jaime Rolando Urbina Torres, mayor of Tantará, a small town in Peru, was hanging out with friends drinking on Monday night when police arrived to enforce a country-wide lockdown. To avoid being detained for curfew and social distancing violations due to COVID-19, an inebriated Torres pretended to be dead while his friends did the more logical thing of hiding in nearby drawers, the New […]

A new study shows that if the U.S. had enforced social distancing guidelines one week earlier in March, around 36,000 fewer people would have died from COVID-19. The research comes from Columbia University disease modelers who say if the country had started issuing lockdowns on March 1, two weeks before many stay-at-home orders had taken effect, […]

Joey Badass expands his philanthropic efforts by launching a new campaign in support of NYC’s homeless students. The Brooklyn native joined forces with the Fund for Public Schools, the non-profit partner to the NYC Department of Education. The Fund is dedicated to meeting the needs of the city’s 1.1 million public school students by providing seed funding to all […]

Two studies published in the journal Science on Wednesday suggest monkeys that recovered after becoming infected with COVID-19 appear to develop an immunity to the virus, Reuters reports. One study involved researchers at Harvard’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) infecting nine monkeys with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and re-exposing them after they had recovered about one […]

In a move being touted as the first of its kind, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) officials said Tuesday that ultraviolet light lamps will be used to disinfect subway cars and buses in New York City starting early next week, CNN reports.  The MTA purchased 150 UV lamps from a Denver-based startup company called PURO Lighting as […]

Mike Schultz, 39, thought that his age and active lifestyle meant that he wouldn’t be seriously affected by COVID-19. “I knew what I thought going in [about the coronavirus]. I didn’t think it was as serious as it was until after things started happening,” he told Buzzfeed News. “I thought I was young enough for it not to […]