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The death toll from COVID-19 in the U.S. could potentially hit nearly 300,000 by the beginning of December, researchers say. That troubling (though certainly not shocking) figure is included in a new COVID-19 forecasts report shared by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IMHE) at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine on Thursday. In the […]

The Los Angeles mayor is cracking down on illegal house parties. On Wednesday, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced he has authorized the Department of Water and Power to shut off utilities to homes that host large gatherings, which are prohibited under coronavirus restrictions. “While we have already closed all bars and nightclubs, these large house parties have essentially become […]

Hours before the first day of school began, an Indiana junior high had its first confirmed case of coronavirus. According to NBC5, a student at Greenfield Central Junior High School tested for the virus earlier this week, but his/her results weren’t known until Thursday. Superintendent Harold Olin said the Hancock County Health Department notified the school about the infection, […]

It appears the Miami Marlins have made MLB insiders “very unhappy.”  Earlier this week, it was reported that the team had at least 14 confirmed coronavirus cases among its players and coaching staff; This alarmingly high number had jumped to 21 by Friday morning. Though none of the players who tested positive have exhibited serious symptoms, the MLB has postponed […]

California has surpassed New York state for the most coronavirus cases. Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the unfortunate milestone via Twitter on Wednesday, confirming the Golden State has posted a single-day record of new infections over the last 24 hours. According to his tweet, the state had recorded an additional 12,807 confirmed cases on Tuesday, bringing its […]

Donald Trump claims he’s a “believer in masks,” but refuses to issue a national mandate requiring Americans to wear face coverings. The president explained his position during an hour-long Fox News interview, set to premiere this Sunday. “I want people to have a certain freedom, and I don’t believe in that, no,” Trump said when asked […]

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says he will not close the state’s gyms, despite experts’ recommendations.  “I think taking that option away for people to be healthy just doesn’t make sense,” the Republican lawmaker said during a Friday press conference. “I think most people who are going to the gyms are in the low-risk groups, and […]

Studies of a potential coronavirus vaccine has yielded promising results, U.S. researchers announced Tuesday. According to the Associated Press, the experimental vaccine produced high levels of neutralizing antibodies in all 45 volunteers who received it during the phase 1 trial. Researchers say this immune response was found across all patients who were administered various doses; however, the vaccine requires two doses about a month apart […]

In accordance with new instructions handed down by the Trump administration, hospitals will now be sending information pertaining to the coronavirus to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  This new directive, which was quietly published on the HHS website, will begin on Wednesday, […]

As the NBA prepares to to resume its regular season this month, a number of league insiders have expressed concern about the long-term health effects for players who test positive for COVID-19—the novel disease that forced the NBA’s months-long hiatus. “There are unknown effects it has on lung capacity, unknown effects it has on cardiac health,” an anonymous GM told ESPN. “What […]