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During a round of press he did on Tuesday, White House health advisor Anthony Fauci referred to COVID-19 as his “worst nightmare,” and warned that the world’s fight against the pandemic is not nearly a wrap.  As Fauci put it, the virus is “something that’s highly transmissible. … In a period—if you just think about it—in a […]

As a result of a new Ebola outbreak that has flared-up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, five people have died. That information was revealed on Monday by the United Nations Children’s fund, with further reports adding that there have been a total of nine cases so far. These deaths had occurred up to nearly […]

Just when you think 2020 can’t get any more bizarre, Indian authorities have confirmed a gang of monkeys were recently on the loose with stolen coronavirus test samples. According to Reuters, the situation began earlier this week when a lab worker was attacked by a group of primates on the campus of a state-run medical college in Meerut. The technician […]

COVID-19 has now claimed the lives of over 100,000 people in the United States in less than four months, CNN reports. An average of 900 Americans have died every day from the virus. This staggering total doesn’t even take into account some individuals who passed away at home from complications related to the coronavirus, but were […]

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has overturned the state’s “safer at home” order, which was extended last month in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. According to the New York Times, the 4-3 decision was written by four of the court’s conservative justices who ruled Gov. Tony Evers’ administration had exceeded its authority by extending the stay-at-home mandate through May 26. […]

Los Angeles County residents will have to observe stay-at-home orders for at least several more months, officials announced Tuesday. According to the Los Angeles Times, county Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer announced the move during a Board Supervisors Meeting, just days after the county began loosening its coronavirus lockdown restrictions. The director reportedly said the order will “with all certainty” remain […]

Another day, another WTF moment from the anti-lockdown demonstrations. As reported by TMZ on Saturday, about a dozen protesters were spotted inside a Subway sandwich shop chowing down and browsing the menu, all the while holding firearms. The bizarre scene was captured by News & Observer photojournalist Travis Long at a Subway location in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina.  But it […]

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is set to enter a “modified quarantine.”  The health expert told CNN on Saturday he decided to make the move after having “low-risk” contact with a White House staffer who tested positive for coronavirus. Fauci explained he wouldn’t undergo a full quarantine because he was […]

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday that 73 children in the state have contracted a rare inflammatory illness that is possibly linked to COVID-19. The governor also confirmed a 5-year-old from New York City died Thursday from the condition, which doctors call “pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome.” According to NBC News, nearly 100 kids have been diagnosed […]

The White House Coronavirus Task Force may be phased out in the upcoming weeks, as states across the country struggle to curb infection rates amid economic reopenings.  President Donald Trump addressed the move during his Tuesday stop at a mask factory in Phoenix. POTUS praised Vice President Mike Pence, the chairman of the task force, and other members for […]