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Folks worried that Donald Trump might not cede the presidency after his loss to challenger Joe Biden were not made any calmer by statements from Mike Pompeo on Tuesday. The Secretary of State promised a ‘smooth transition’ to a second Trump term in a press conference.  While Pompeo’s smirk after the remark might indicate he […]

As Trump sticks with making claims of voter fraud despite there being zero evidence of such a thing, the Biden-Harris transition team says legal action is a possibility should the current administration continue dragging its feet over the process of transferring power. Speaking with reporters on Monday night, per CBS News, an official from the Biden-Harris transition team called […]

In a stunning turn of events, Fox News host Neil Cavuto abruptly cut away from White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s press conference earlier today once she started implying that illegitimacy played a part in the results of the 2020 presidential election.  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, I just think we have to be very clear,” Cavuto interjected. “She’s charging that the other side is ‘welcoming fraud […]

Despite practically every single significant news outlet calling the 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden, Donald Trump continues to use Twitter as a way of trying to speak his victory into existence. His latest gem came on Sunday, when he questioned the long-standing institution of the media using the factual information given to them by each state […]

In a celebratory tweet posted to the Twitter account of Jill Biden, president-elect Joe Biden wore a hat that was maybe (probably) a trolling response to the hat often donned by the still-for-now-president and some of his supporters. If that sounds stupid then it’s just because I really don’t know how to put that in a way […]

While it appears that Trump still has no intention to concede the 2020 election to Biden—with Trump even going so far as to falsely claim victory—reports are emerging that some in his inner circle are telling him to surrender. According to CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz, “First Lady Melania Trump has joined the growing chorus of President Trump’s inner circle […]

As Donald Trump‘s presidency comes to a close, members of the media have become increasingly heckled by his supporters.  Years of disrespect promoted by Trump’s administration started to boil over, leading to outbursts regarding the president’s antics and his supporters. A New Jersey reporter went viral during the election for this very reason.  While announcing Joe […]

Van Jones was a big fan Kamala Harris‘ Saturday night victory speech, and said it was “amazing” that she was able to walk to a Beyoncé song. “It was great to hear Kamala. I want to decode some of stuff Kamala did for the base of this party,” Jones said on CNN moments after the vice president-elect left the stage. “First […]

Americans are gleefully rubbing salt in the Trump campaign’s wounds. According to anonymous campaign staffers, the president’s “voter fraud” hotline has been flooded with prank calls from people gloating over Joe Biden‘s 2020 presidential win. The insiders told ABC News that the callers are heard laughing or mocking the team over the president’s defeat before quickly hanging up—making the bitter pill even harder to […]

YG and Nipsey Hussle‘s “FDT” was the soundtrack for Saturday’s celebrations. The politically charged protest song, which stands for “Fuck Donald Trump,” reached No. 1 on the iTunes charts just hour after Joe Biden was declared the country’s next president. Streams of the 2016 record soared over the past week as Americans headed to the polls. The song reportedly experienced a 221 […]