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Paul Rudd made the early voting experience a little more bearable—and much more memorable—for a group of New Yorkers. On Thursday morning, the 51-year-old Ant-Man star was spotted in Brooklyn handing out cookies to those waiting in long lines to hit the polls. Several Twitter users documented the surprise appearance with photos and videos, showing Rudd […]

Fans were disappointed, but not surprised, after Jay Cutler endorsed Donald Trump for re-election by reposting a pro-Trump post from GOAT golfer Jack Nicklaus. On Wednesday, Nicklaus penned an endorsement and posted it to Instagram, supporting the current president. The original message from Nicklaus that Cutler shared explains how he’s just a guy “from a Midwestern middle-class family” and that he’s voting for […]

By all estimates, the 2020 general election has already shattered records for voter turnout. With more than a week left before the election, millions of Americans have braved hours-long lines and deceptive tactics to cast their ballots early. With so much build-up and even more at stake on the first Tuesday of November, it is […]

Donald Trump‘s campaign website appeared to be temporarily overrun by hackers Tuesday.  “This site was seized,” a message read across the top of the “About” page. “The world has had enough of the fake news spreaded daily by President Donald J Trump. It is time to allow the world to know the truth.”  The hackers accuse “trump-gov” of being involved with the […]

Police violations are certainly no new subject matter in 2020, and the New York Police Department is the latest to infringe upon its own codes when they openly attempted to convince people to vote for Donald Trump.  Over the weekend, footage surfaced of police officers in Flatbush, Brooklyn using the patrol vehicle’s loudspeaker to rally re-election votes behind Trump.  […]

To promote and encourage more early voting ahead of National Vote Early Day on Saturday, When We All Vote is hosting its last Couch Party on Friday night, this time featuring appearances from Common, City Girls, DJ D-Nice, Elaine Welteroth, and more. During the event, participants will be texting 250,000 voters and discussing a plan to cast their early ballots. President […]

Ahead of next month’s election, Mana Contemporary Urban Arts Project has launched a non-partisan vote initiative with artwork featuring iconic imagery. Designed to encourage younger generations to get out and vote, Project 270 covers all 50 states (and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) with the aim of getting critical voting information out to young voters. “We […]

On Tuesday night, Kanye West, who’s running for president, sent out invalid Kentucky presidential election results on Twitter. The incorrect results, which Kanye shared via a screenshot that was attributed to NBC’s LEX 18, showed Jo Jorgensen, who’s running for president under the Libertarian Party ticket, in first place. West is seen as No. 3 in the screenshot. Following West, […]

On Tuesday night, Kanye West, who’s running for president, sent out invalid Kentucky presidential election results on Twitter. The incorrect results, which Kanye shared via a screenshot that was attributed to NBC’s LEX 18, showed Jo Jorgensen, who’s running for president under the Libertarian Party ticket, in first place. West is seen as No. 3 in the screenshot. Following West, […]

It seems the Taliban is on the Trump 2020 train. During a Saturday phone interview with CBS News, a spokesperson for the Islamic fundamentalist group said its leaders are hoping Donald Trump can pull out a victory in the upcoming election. Zabihullah Mujahid suggested the primary reason behind the endorsement is the Trump administration’s efforts to withdraw troops from […]