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For the first time in history, astronomers have captured a photo of the black hole at the heart of our galaxy.  Via the Event Horizon Telescope, astronomers have shared the image of the Milky Way’s Sagittarius A*, per the EHS website. While the black hole itself—which has been discussed by scientists for years—cannot be seen, the image shows […]

ComplexCon returns to Long Beach Nov. 6 – 7 with hosts J. Balvin and Kristen Noel Crawley, performances by A$AP Rocky and Turnstile, and more shopping and drops. Secure your spot while tickets last! Buy tickets Scientists have found signs of what could be the first-ever planet located outside of our galaxy, BBC News reports.  […]

A newly published study suggests the Milky Way galaxy could contain alien civilizations, though there’s a strong possibility most of them are already dead. Researchers from the California Institute of Technology, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Santiago High School used an expanded version of the famous Drake Equation, which determined the odds of extraterrestrial intelligence existing in our galaxy. The […]

Astronomers have deduced that a series of short, powerful radio waves received from space earlier this year are actually coming from within our own galaxy. According to three papers published in Nature, powerful blasts of radio waves from space recorded in April came from an object within the Milky Way. Known as fast radio bursts, or FRBs, […]

For the first time ever astronomers have located a fast radio burst (FRB) that regularly repeats itself. Don’t know what an FRB is? Well, we’ll try our best to explain it to you.  Science Alert defines them as mysterious deep space signals that are unpredictable. CNN adds that they’re millisecond-long radio wave bursts from space. They can […]

Soccer superstar David Beckham has become the latest athlete to be enshrined in the Los Angeles landscape with his own statue. But before his official sculpture was unveiled, his good friend and comedian James Corden decided to prank Beckham by passing off an ugly, fake statue as the finished product. On Monday night’s episode of the Late Late Show With […]