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The nation’s second largest bank is contributing $1 billion to the fight against racial inequality. Bank of America announced the donation Tuesday, as the country continues to grapple with the economic disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic. According to the bank’s press release, the $1 billion will benefit communities of color over the next four years, with […]

Good news, Canada! According to at least one prominent national columnist and the Premier of Quebec, racism apparently doesn’t exist in Canada anymore. Phew. Glad we got that sorted. I guess everyone can stop protesting and take down those black squares now. (Also, uh, you might want to rethink those anyway?) As widespread protests against […]

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday morning, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a long, 21-second pause when asked to comment on U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat to use military force against protesters demonstrating against racial injustice. After much visible hesitation, Trudeau avoided condemning Trump directly while addressing “systemic discrimination” in Canada.  “We all watch […]

George Floyd’s family attorney said he was told that the three other police officers who were involved in his murder will also reportedly be charged. The lawyer, Ben Crump, told the Today Show that officials have told Floyd’s family about the incoming charges. “We heard that they expect to charge those officers…We understand they will be […]

Big Sean has become the latest entertainer to speak out against the injustices that led to George Floyd‘s death and the ensuing protests.  On Monday, the rapper took to social media where he shared his thoughts on the situation. “Clearly we got the whole world’s attention, obviously,” Sean said in a video. “And justice has […]

Louisville police chief Steve Conrad has been fired following the investigation into a fatal shooting during the city’s protests, CNN reports.   On Monday, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer revealed that he had relieved Conrad of his duties. This move came after it was reported that two police officers involved in the shooting did not activate their body cameras.  “This type […]

Over the weekend, Wall Street Journal reporter Tyler Blint-Welsh tweeted about being hit in the face “multiple times with riot shields” by the NYPD during protests spurred by the murder of George Floyd. Now, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has confirmed its investigation into the assault. While a spokesperson for the DA’s office confirmed the investigation into […]

Team Roc, the philanthropic arm of Jay-Z‘s Roc Nation, has taken out full-page ads in multiple newspapers across the U.S. in support of protesters. The letter is dedicated to George Floyd, who was killed at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department, and includes a passage from a speech Martin Luther King Jr. gave in […]

ASAP Rocky shared on Twitter Monday that he has been involved in protests in response to the murder of George Floyd, even if you haven’t seen photos of him amongst the crowd. Rocky explained that while he doesn’t post about his every move, he’s making sure that his voice is being heard. Protests have been ongoing across […]

On Monday, Donald Trump vowed to invoke the 1807 Insurrection Act, which gives him the power to deploy the U.S. military in an effort to deal with the ongoing riots and demonstrations across the country, ABC News reports.  “I am mobilizing all federal and local resources, civilian and military, to protect the rights of law […]