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Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison. Of those, he’s can serve as little as 15 years behind bars. The former Minneapolis police officer was convicted of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in April. George Floyd died last May after Chauvin pressed his knee into Floyd’s […]

A New Jersey city has paid tribute to George Floyd by erecting a 700-pound statue in his image. According to CBS News, the bronze structure was unveiled Wednesday outside Newark’s city hall, where it will remain on display for at least a year. The piece, which shows Floyd sitting on a bench, was commissioned by actor/director Leon Pinkney and created by […]

A Colorado high school principal has resigned after a photo of three students reenacting the murder of George Floyd surfaced last month, per CBS Denver.  Mead High School Principal Rachael Ayers announced in May that an investigation was underway in response to a photo on Snapchat showing one student in blackface lying on the ground with another kneeling on his […]

Minnesota prosecutors have a requested a 30-year prison sentence for Derek Chauvin, the ex-Minneapolis officer who was convicted of murdering George Floyd. Under Minnesota sentencing guidelines, Chauvin faces 12 ½ years in prison for his second-degree murder conviction as a first-time offender. The state, however, has asked Judge Peter Cahill to consider a lengthier sentence based on aggravating factors on the day of […]

Despite what others may say, Darnella Frazier doesn’t consider herself a hero, but rather a young “girl trying to heal from something I am reminded of every day.” The 18-year-old Minneapolis teen has been widely praised for her role in securing justice for George Floyd, the 46-year-old Black man who was killed by police exactly a year […]

It’s been almost a year since George Floyd was murdered by former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin, and Floyd’s family made sure to honor George at a Sunday gathering in Minneapolis.  Joined by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, family attorney Benjamin Crump and Rev. Al Sharpton, Floyd’s sister, Bridgett, spoke about the changes in her family’s […]

Joe Biden will mark the anniversary of George Floyd’s death by hosting his family at the White House. Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed the meeting while speaking to reporters this week, but declined to provide details on what the administration had planned. “Well, I don’t have anything to preview yet in terms of the President’s schedule next week,” she said. […]

An investigation has been launched in response to a Snapchat post showing three Colorado high school students reenacting the murder of George Floyd, Denver Post reports. “Yesterday, we were made aware of a highly-offensive photo taken on school grounds and posted to social media that did not reflect our school’s high standards of respect, character […]

When former Minneapolis Police Department officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of the murder of George Floyd in April, Barack and Michelle Obama shared a joint statement in which they noted “true justice is about much more than a single verdict in a single trial.” Now, in a new interview with Gayle King, Michelle Obama is […]

A school district in Piedmont, California came under heavy scrutiny after offering a “support circle for white students” following the Derek Chauvin trial, and now officials have admitted it wasn’t such a good idea. SFGate reports that Piedmont Unified School district assistant Cheryl Wozniak sent a message that invited white students to “discuss how the trial, […]