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At least $36 billion in fraudulent unemployment benefits have been stolen from the U.S., according to analysis from the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Labor. As CNBC reports, 10 percent of the $360 billion Congress allotted for unemployment benefits in the Cares Act have been improperly distributed, mostly due to scams […]

A group of armed protesters tried to gain entrance into the Oregon State Capitol building on Monday as the legislature was in session to debate COVID-19 regulations and public assistance. Deadline reports that due to COVID precautions, the only people allowed in the building were Salem Police Department officers, state police, lawmakers, some staff, and […]

After over 150 years, America is finally trying to correct the language in the 13th Amendment which sparked the racist prison-industrial system.  The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that lawmakers created a joint resolution to remove portions of the document that allow involuntary servitude. The 13th Amendment might have ended chattel slavery, but it explicitly states that […]

The United States Department of Transportation clarified what animals will be allowed in the cabin of an airplane in a new rule regarding service animals. The just announced rule provides no protections for “emotional support animals,” explicitly writing them out of the category of acceptable service animals, CNN reports. The DOT’s new rule defines service […]

President-elect Joe Biden announced Sunday that his administration will have an all-female senior White House communications team, the Washington Post reports. “I am proud to announce today the first senior White House communications team comprised entirely of women,” Biden said in his statement. “These qualified, experienced communicators bring diverse perspectives to their work and a shared commitment to building […]

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced on Tuesday that the country’s first at-home COVID-19 self-testing kit has been approved by the agency. Results from said kit arrives in around 30 minutes, the FDA said in a statement posted to their website. “In 30 minutes or less, the results can be read directly from the test unit’s light-up […]

Barack Obama values his marriage with Michelle too much to jeopardize it by taking on a cabinet position in President-elect Joe Biden‘s administration. In an interview with CBS Sunday Morning, Obama said he will be available for Biden, but his involvement will not include him returning to work full-time in the White House. “He doesn’t need my advice, and I will help him […]

On Monday night, Senate Republicans confirmed Donald Trump‘s nominee Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court Judge with a vote of 52 for and 48 against. Maine Senator Susan Collins was the only member of the GOP to oppose Barrett’s nomination. Collins is up for re-election later this year, and currently embroiled in a tight race against Sara Gideon.  Conservatives now have a 6-3 […]

Amy Coney Barrett, Trump‘s pick to succeed the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the Supreme Court, spells potential trouble for a multitude of reasons impossible to overstate. Earlier this month, for example, Lambda Legal—the largest national legal organization with a mission focused on securing and maintaining “full recognition” of civil rights for LGBTQ people—published an […]

The same far-right militia group that was allegedly planning to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also discussed kidnapping Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (above), the Detroit News writes. The group reportedly talked about “taking out” a second politician, according to testimony from an FBI agent on Tuesday. FBI Special Agent Richard Trask identified that politician to be Northam during a […]