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Kanye West officially added his running mate to his fight to be placed on ballots this fall.  TMZ reports that Kanye has filed documents to be placed on the ballot in Arkansas. Along with himself, West added his newly confirmed vice presidential running mate Michelle Tidball to the petition. This story is developing. Source link قالب وردپرس

Those unsolicited seed packages you may or may not have seen popping up on the timeline, and/or in your mailbox, have now resulted in warning messages being issued in all 50 states. CNN has compiled the warning messages from each state here, noting that officials in the U.S. are stating that the packages “appear” to originate from […]

With all that 2020 has hurled at us with breakneck swiftness, one could very easily argue that the recent series of developments in the unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) sector—though now consistently a subject of mainstream news coverage—are still not being discussed as frequently as these revelations seem to warrant. For the latest, we turn to […]

House leaders are calling for an investigation into the Trump administration’s troubling employment of federal law enforcement agencies against protesters in Portland and elsewhere. In a letter to the inspectors general of the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security reported by Associated Press on Sunday, top U.S. House leaders said they were […]

According to multiple reports, Georgia Representative and Civil Rights icon John Lewis died on Friday. He passed away with in hospice care at the age of 80.  In December 2019, the congressman revealed that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. “I have been in some kind of fight – for freedom, equality, basic human rights – […]

In a move that only hurts the people he claims to serve, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has said that cities and counties can’t mandate the wearing of COVID-19 masks. As the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, Kemp’s order extends certain virus-inspired restrictions while also “explicitly banning cities and counties from adopting rules requiring masks or other face […]

During a press conference on Monday afternoon the Director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, continued with the theme of pleading with Americans to put on a mask to stymie the spread of COVID-19. He said that, if everyone complied with said pleading, then “over the next six weeks we could […]

The continued onslaught of Trump era legal attacks can quickly and easily lead to exhaustion, which—unfortunately—can also inspire people to just block out news of the sadistic shenanigans altogether. And with the looming Earn It Act, which makes good on its ominous name by being stacked with manipulative faux security tactics, blocking out such news […]

According to a report released Thursday by a government watchdog agency, more than 1 million dead people were given stimulus money intended to keep the economy from flatlining (irony? no?) during the pandemic. It was revealed back in April that dead people were getting checks due to the need to get said checks out to people quickly, but […]

A vote by the Senate Intelligence Committee will require the Defense Department and U.S. intelligence agencies to put together in-depth analysis for public consumption based on the data they have on “unidentfied aerial phenomenon,” according to POLITICO. Put in a way that’s easier to understand, those reports should include all the weird shit that Navy […]