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The United States House of Representatives narrowly passed a $3 trillion coronavirus relief package on Friday. As NBC News reports, the new package was crafted by Democrats and included more stimulus payments of up to $1,200 per person. Called the HEROES Act, the relief package will also expand coronavirus testing across the country, provide $1 trillion in […]

Former President Barack Obama has some thoughts on how Donald Trump’s administration has responded to the coronavirus pandemic. As CNN reports, Obama called the administration’s response “an absolute chaotic disaster,” echoing the sentiments many of us have been feeling these past few months. His comments were made during a private call on Friday, and they have been confirmed by three […]

On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that, as part of a phased exit from social distancing-enacted policies, some of the state’s retail shops can start opening back up by this Friday.  Included in this plan are compliant clothing stores, bookstores, music/toy stores, sporting goods stores, and florists, all of whom can offer curbside pickup […]

On Monday, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear (D) singled out one of his state’s residents for gumming up unemployment claims by filing one under the name “Tupac Shakur.”  “We had somebody apply for unemployment for Tupac Shakur here in Kentucky,” Beshear had said. “That person probably thought they were being funny, they probably did — except for the fact that […]

Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren said that compliance to stay-at-home orders is “starting to look a whole lot like willful slavery” in a tweet that has since been deleted. Lahren posted a series of tweets expressing her support toward the minuscule anti-lockdown demonstrations that have cropped up in states like Michigan, Ohio, and North Carolina, among others. […]

On Monday, the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, announced he’d be letting the state’s stay-at-home order come to end at the conclusion of April, when it was originally set to expire. This will set into motion a multi-phase plan to reopen the state’s businesses, beginning on Friday (see: May 1).  The first businesses to re-open […]

The Los Angeles Lakers are giving back the roughly $4.6 million they got from the federal government, which was money that was granted to the organization as part of a program aimed at keeping small businesses going throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. If that sentence made you say “wait, what?” then you’ve correctly identified the reason […]

Tom DeLonge is further proving the naysayers wrong as fuck with the latest development surrounding a trio of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) videos. The Department of Defense said Monday it had authorized the official release of three unclassified Navy videos, all of which were originally shared to mainstream attention through the work of To the […]

The Food and Drug Administration announced Friday that people may soon be able to engage in “safer at-home coronavirus testing.” Per CNN, the FDA said it’s collaborated with US Cotton for a newly designed Q-tip-style swab exam that notably uses swabs that are shorter than the ones currently used by doctors and nurses for collecting samples […]

The first-round of stimulus checks have found their way into Americans’ bank accounts, and while this would seem to be a good time for a social experiment to learn what crazy things people would do with free(ish) money, it turns out it’s actually much more dull (and practical) when played out in real-life. Early data […]