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As the coronavirus continues to spread, major U.S. industries have become increasingly paralyzed. The service sector suffered one of the hardest blows, as many businesses were forced to shut their doors in an effort to minimize social interaction and the further spread of the deadly virus. These restrictions have resulted in widespread layoffs, which have left many working-class Americans […]

Nearly two weeks before the coronavirus was declared a global pandemic, Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) had warned a small group of donors about the devastating effects the disease would have on the nation.  Burr’s comments were captured in an audio recording obtained by NPR reporter Tim Mak. “There’s one thing that I can tell you about this,” the senator said. “It […]

Donald Trump told reporters at his White House press conference Thursday that the FDA will soon undergo testing on a drug known as either chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine to see its effectiveness in treating coronavirus. It has previously been used to treat malaria and autoimmune diseases, per CNN.  FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said Trump instructed them […]

The U.S. State Department has cautioned Americans from traveling internationally by issuing its highest travel advisory yet, due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus. The Level 4 travel advisory for traveling overseas looks to be unheard-of, as it is the most extreme warning the department can give, Politico reports. “In countries where commercial departure options […]

Congress has approved a $104 billion aid package that will combat the devastating consequences of coronavirus. The bipartisan bill, dubbed The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, was passed with a vote of 90 to 8 on Wednesday, just days after it was approved by the House. According to CBS News, the emergency package guarantees free testing for […]

A 100-page plan that was put together by the federal government warned that the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic could impact the country for up top 18 months, the New York Times reported.  The plan, which said the coronavirus could hit the population in “multiple waves,” also explored options the federal government has in terms of fighting […]

Things got extremely tense at Donald Trump‘s State of the Union address on Tuesday night. It all started when Trump seemingly decided to ignore House Speaker Nancy Pelosi when she tried to go in for a handshake after he handed off copies of his prepared remarks to Mike Pence and Pelosi. For what it’s worth, […]

The House of Representatives capped off an exhaustive eight-plus hours of debates on Wednesday filled with arguments from both sides of the aisle with a majority of lawmakers voting in support of impeaching Donald Trump on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Trump joins Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton as the only three U.S. presidents to be impeached […]

For a brief moment on Wednesday morning, Francis Tseng found himself questioning his geography knowledge. Tseng, a Brooklyn resident and fellow at the Jain Family Institute, said he was conducting research on the Agricultural Tariff Tracker when he noticed an unusual, but familiar, name on the U.S. free trade partners list. The country was Wakanda—the fictional land depicted in Marvel’s Black Panther […]

Former steak salesman Donald Trump has been impeached for abuse of power. He is now the third U.S. President to be impeached. There was Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. Richard Nixon was on track to getting impeached but resigned before it could happen. The House of Representatives debated and voted on two articles of impeachment […]