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Nearly a dozen Republican senators and senators-elect are still trying to prevent President-elect Joe Biden from being certified as the election victor. CNN reports that the lawmakers revealed Saturday that they oppose counting electoral votes next week when it’s anticipated that Congress will certify Biden’s win, even though there’s no valid proof of extensive voter fraud […]

On the eve of Joe Biden‘s inauguration, a special ceremony will take place honoring the hundreds of thousands of lives lost to COVID-19. The Presidential Inaugural Committee, per the Associated Press, announced on Thursday the tribute is set for the night of Jan. 19. The special moment will feature what’s said to be “the first-ever […]

As the holidays are underway, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have shared Christmas messages, asking the public to keep exercising COVID-19 safety precautions and refrain from meeting in large groups. “Jill and I wish you and your family peace, joy, health and happiness this season. But we know for so many of […]

President-elect Joe Biden admitted that it’s “unlikely” he will use an executive order to eliminate upwards of $50,000 in student loan debt. “It’s arguable that the president may have the executive power to forgive up to $50,000 in student debt,” Biden told a group of newspaper columnists Wednesday, per The Washington Post. “Well, I think that’s pretty questionable. I’m unsure of that. I’d be […]

Breonna Taylor‘s mother, Tamika Palmer, isn’t stopping until her daughter receives justice and she wants the oncoming president to join her in her fight. The Washington Post ran a full-page ad in its Thursday edition. This ad was a candid, open letter from Palmer addressed directly to President-elect Joe Biden. In the letter, she asked the […]

President Donald Trump, who still hasn’t officially conceded after losing the 2020 election to Joe Biden, has allegedly threatened not to leave the White House.  A new report from CNN on Trump’s closing days as president reveal he’s told some aides he might refuse to leave the White House on Inauguration Day. While few of these […]

Many prominent Republican lawmakers finally began to accept president-elect Joe Biden‘s victory this week, after the electoral college voted to make the former VP’s win official on Monday. Just a few short days after over 100 Republican legislators signed on to Texas’ unsuccessful lawsuit to throw out the results in several swing states, senior members of the […]

The Wall Street Journal faced backlash this weekend after publishing an op-ed that took aim at Jill Biden. Written by Joseph Epstein, the piece in question calls on the future first lady to drop the “Dr.” title from her name, as she is not a medical doctor. The op-ed, titled Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not […]

After four years, people still haven’t learned that you can’t hold President Donald Trump to his words. The slippery head of state has spent his entire administration moving on to his next lie faster than he can be pinned down for the last one. That hasn’t stopped Twitter users from calling Trump on his use […]

The Supreme Court has rejected a long-shot bid by Republicans to reverse Pennsylvania’s certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the state. The decision was announced Tuesday with no noted dissents or comment from the nation’s highest court. “The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is […]