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On Tuesday, Justice League’s Ray Fisher (Cyborg) took to his Twitter account to call out what he deemed “racially discriminatory conversations” that were “had or entertained” by Warner Bros. execs. on the set of the blockbuster film during reshoots in 2017. Fisher has previously raised issues he had during the shooting of the film, including […]

WarnerMedia has publicly disputed Ray Fisher’s latest allegations against DC Films president Walter Hamada. On Saturday, the 33-year-old actor reiterated his claim that Hamada had tried to interfere with an investigation into alleged misconduct during Justice League reshoots. Fisher, who played Cyborg in the superhero film, previously accused director Joss Whedon of creating a toxic work environment during the 2017 […]

Sunday morning’s release of the official trailer for the four-hour Justice League Snyder Cut ended with a bit of self-awareness when Jared Leto’s Joker, who in this version will share a speaking scene with Ben Affleck’s Batman, told said Caped Crusader being portrayed by said actor that “we live in a society.”  If you’re wondering why that’s […]

Zack Snyder, whose director’s cut edition of Justice League hits HBO Max next month, is the subject of a new book by Sean O’Connell of Cinema Blend. The book, titled Release the Snyder Cut: The Crazy True Story Behind the Fight That Saved Zack Snyder’s Justice League, recounts the years-long tale of how the “Snyder […]

More details continue to come out regarding Zack Snyder‘s Justice League, popularly known as the Snyder Cut. Snyder confirmed on Vero that his much talked about project will not be split up into a miniseries and will instead remain a movie with a whopping four-hour runtime.  Snyder didn’t classify his film as a miniseries during DC FanDome in August, but said it […]

In a reverse of the COVID-induced trend of bringing movies made for the big screen to at-home streamers, Zack Snyder is looking to bring his long-anticipated “cut” of The Justice League to movie theaters. And, if he gets his way, that movie could come tagged with an ‘R’ rating. Snyder said as much when he talked about the upcoming […]

Jason Momoa is demanding that Warner Bros. conduct a proper investigation into the allegations made by his Justice League co-star Ray Fisher, who said director Josh Whedon demonstrated “gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable” behavior toward of the cast and crew during reshoots. Momoa acknowledges that Fisher is “speaking up about the shitty way we were treated,” adding, “serious stuff went down.” […]

Warner Bros. fires back at Ray Fisher following the actor’s accusations against a top executive at DC Films.  On Friday, Warner Bros. and DC Films released a statement denying that it tried to downplay Fisher’s objections to the way Cyborg is represented within the Justice League saga. The studio explains that it properly assessed Fisher’s complaints as well […]

An investigation has been launched that focuses on the production of Justice League, which has recently received public scrutiny from Ray Fisher, who plays Cyborg in the DCEU entry. Variety, citing word from a source “with knowledge at the company,” said late Thursday that WarnerMedia had kicked off the investigation following Fisher’s statements alleging misconduct by […]

On Monday, the actor who played Cyborg in Justice League (Ray Fisher) sent out a tweet in which he “forcefully” retracted praise he gave to Joss Whedon, who you may know finished off that movie after Zack Snyder had to leave to attend to family issues. Accompanying that statement was a short clip of Fisher, sitting alongside […]