<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:slash="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/" > <channel> <title>lame – FRESHEST FM</title> <atom:link href="https://freshestfm.com/category/lame/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>https://freshestfm.com</link> <description>The most Important station the net</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 19:02:30 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-US</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <generator>https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2</generator> <image> <url>https://freshestfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/cropped-Freshest-FM-WHT-Logo-231x111-1-32x32.png</url> <title>lame – FRESHEST FM</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com</link> <width>32</width> <height>32</height> </image> <item> <title>AI Track Emulating Drake and The Weeknd Goes Viral Amid Growing Criticism</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/ai-track-emulating-drake-and-the-weeknd-goes-viral-amid-growing-criticism/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/ai-track-emulating-drake-and-the-weeknd-goes-viral-amid-growing-criticism/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 19:02:25 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[ai]]></category> <category><![CDATA[artificial-intelligence]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music-hiphop]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music-other]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music-pop]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-social]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-technology]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-technology-other]]></category> <category><![CDATA[drake]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[the-weeknd]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[viral]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/ai-track-emulating-drake-and-the-weeknd-goes-viral-amid-growing-criticism/</guid> <description><![CDATA[An AI-generated track designed to emulate a nonexistent Drake and The Weeknd collaboration has been going viral in recent days, all while criticism on the use of such tech continues to grow among artists and others in the music industry. The track, titled “Heart on My Sleeve,” appears to have originally been shared by a […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p>An <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/ai" rel="noopener">AI-generated track</a> designed to emulate a nonexistent <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/drake" rel="noopener">Drake</a> and <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/the-weeknd" rel="noopener">The Weeknd</a> collaboration has been going viral in recent days, all while criticism on the use of such tech continues to grow among artists and others in the music industry.</p> <p>The track, titled “Heart on My Sleeve,” appears to have originally been shared by a TikTok and YouTube user by the name of Ghostwriter. As the track started to spread across social media, listeners were quick to share their thoughts on both the track itself and the larger issue at hand.</p> <p>“This is just the beginning,” the original uploader wrote in a pinned YouTube comment over the weekend. In a TikTok comment, the uploader <a target="_blank" href="https://www.tiktok.com/@ghostwriter977/video/7222852197883694378" rel="noopener">claimed</a> they were “a ghostwriter for years and got paid close to nothing just for major labels to profit.”</p> <p>At the time of this writing, the AI-generated track was also available on Spotify, though it’s hard to imagine that will remain the case for very long.</p> <p>The track’s virality follows ongoing criticism from a number of artists in response to other recent examples of AI-generated tracks. Drake himself, notably, previously responded to a viral clip of an AI-generated version of his likeness rapping Ice Spice’s “Munch” song.</p> <section class="suitcase-ad" /> <p>“This is the final straw AI,” Drake said <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/music/a/backwoodsaltar/drake-reacts-to-ai-rapping-ice-spice-munch-in-his-voice" rel="noopener">in an Instagram Stories update</a> last week.</p> <p><a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/music/a/tracewilliamcowen/pete-rock-speask-out-against-ai-music" rel="noopener">Pete Rock</a> and <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/music/a/backwoodsaltar/young-guru-concerned-over-jay-z-ai-verse" rel="noopener">Young Guru</a>, among other artists, have also expressed their own concerns over the current response to this particular use of the tech. Meanwhile, Universal Music Group was <a target="_blank" href="https://www.ft.com/content/aec1679b-5a34-4dad-9fc9-f4d8cdd124b9" rel="noopener">recently reported</a> to be pushing for major streamers like Spotify and Apple Music to do something about their artists’ copyrighted works being used as training references for these AI-generated tracks.</p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/music/ai-generated-track-emulating-drake-the-weeknd-viral-criticism">Source link </a></p> <p> <a rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/ai-track-emulating-drake-and-the-weeknd-goes-viral-amid-growing-criticism/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Clowned Over Interviewing ‘Nevada Poll Worker’</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/fox-news-host-laura-ingraham-clowned-over-interviewing-nevada-poll-worker/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/fox-news-host-laura-ingraham-clowned-over-interviewing-nevada-poll-worker/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 11 Nov 2020 17:27:39 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[2020-election]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-entertainment]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-entertainment-tv]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-other]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-social]]></category> <category><![CDATA[donald-trump]]></category> <category><![CDATA[election-2020]]></category> <category><![CDATA[exclude-opinary-poll]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[fox-news]]></category> <category><![CDATA[garbage]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[laura-ingraham]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[old-people]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pull-up-and-vote]]></category> <category><![CDATA[republicans]]></category> <category><![CDATA[stupid-people]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[trash]]></category> <category><![CDATA[videos]]></category> <category><![CDATA[wtf]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/fox-news-host-laura-ingraham-clowned-over-interviewing-nevada-poll-worker/</guid> <description><![CDATA[Even by Fox News‘ famously low standards, this latest act of Fox Newsery is shark-jumpingly stupid. Network personality Laura Ingraham, as seen in widely mocked footage on Wednesday, actually carried on an entire televised conversation with a purported “Nevada poll worker” who was cloaked in dark lighting. Adding to the ludicrousness of it all was […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p>Even by <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/fox-news" rel="noopener noreferrer">Fox News</a>‘ famously low standards, this latest act of Fox Newsery is shark-jumpingly <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/stupid-people" rel="noopener noreferrer">stupid</a>.</p> <p>Network personality Laura Ingraham, as seen in widely mocked footage on Wednesday, actually carried on an entire televised conversation with a purported “Nevada poll worker” who was cloaked in dark lighting. Adding to the ludicrousness of it all was the fact that this “poll worker” had apparently requested for her voice to be disguised, all while relaying a nonsensical story about happening upon a “Biden van” while on a lunch break.</p> <p>Going through the effort of transcribing any of the clip in question simply isn’t worth my (or your) time. For what it’s worth, which is nothing, the gist of the ludicrousness is that this “poll worker” is part of <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/trash" rel="noopener noreferrer">Trump’s</a> continued efforts to undermine faith in the election results.</p> <p>Anyway, here’s a bunch of people taking the piss, one of the few joys we have left in 2020:</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <p>Last week, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford noted that the Trump team’s repeated claims (without actual evidence) of voter fraud amounted to rubbish.</p> <p>“This six-page complaint they filed late last night is, in a word: garbage,” Ford <a target="_blank" href="https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nevada-attorney-general-trump-campaign-voting-fraud-complaint/" rel="noopener noreferrer">told</a> CBS last week.</p> <p>For more on Trump’s refusal to acknowledge his own defeat, including how his own wishes for Supreme Court intervention differ greatly from Bush v. Gore in 2000, <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/life/2020/11/donald-trump-attempt-to-reverse-2020-election/" rel="noopener noreferrer">peep this</a>.</p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/life/2020/11/laura-ingraham-clowned-nevada-poll-worker-interview">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/fox-news-host-laura-ingraham-clowned-over-interviewing-nevada-poll-worker/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Trump Supporters Gather Outside Nevada Election Dept. to Pray Votes Away</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/trump-supporters-gather-outside-nevada-election-dept-to-pray-votes-away/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/trump-supporters-gather-outside-nevada-election-dept-to-pray-votes-away/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 06 Nov 2020 20:28:52 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[christianity]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-other]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-social]]></category> <category><![CDATA[donald-trump]]></category> <category><![CDATA[election-2020]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[garbage]]></category> <category><![CDATA[jesus]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[nevada]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[prayer]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pull-up-and-vote]]></category> <category><![CDATA[religion]]></category> <category><![CDATA[republicans]]></category> <category><![CDATA[wtf]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/trump-supporters-gather-outside-nevada-election-dept-to-pray-votes-away/</guid> <description><![CDATA[Trump supporters who have clearly been drinking improbable amounts of the proverbial Kool-Aid believe kneeling in prayer can somehow have a magic effect on math. Thursday night, supporters of Trump—whose catalog of failures includes a botched steak-hawking endeavor and an equally botched re-election attempt—gathered outside the Clark County Election Department in Nevada to drop down […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p><a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/stupid-people" rel="noopener noreferrer">Trump supporters</a> who have clearly been drinking improbable amounts of the proverbial Kool-Aid believe kneeling in <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/religion" rel="noopener noreferrer">prayer</a> can somehow have a magic effect on <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/election" rel="noopener noreferrer">math</a>.</p> <p>Thursday night, supporters of Trump—whose catalog of failures includes a botched steak-hawking endeavor and an equally botched re-election attempt—gathered outside the Clark County Election Department in <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/nevada" rel="noopener noreferrer">Nevada</a> to drop down for some cloud-shouting while votes were counted inside.</p> <p>Several supporters are seen kneeling and praying, while another places her hand on a window of the building. <a target="_blank" href="https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/524794-trump-supporters-pray-outside-of-clark-county-election-department-in" rel="noopener noreferrer">Per</a> the Hill, one of the praying individuals made an offering to a higher power. </p> <p>“We give our hearts to you in the name of Jesus,” she said.</p> <p>At the time of this writing, perhaps as a sign of prayer’s aforementioned inability to miraculously intervene on math (or anything at all), Biden was holding the lead in Clark County. </p> <p>In response to Trump’s repeated lies about the validity of the votes still being counted, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford gave a succinct assessment during <a target="_blank" href="https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nevada-attorney-general-trump-campaign-voting-fraud-complaint/" rel="noopener noreferrer">a CBS interview</a> early Friday morning.</p> <p>“This six-page complaint they filed late last night is, in a word: garbage,” Ford said, adding that Trump’s legal threats and baseless claims are simply part of his efforts to “derail” the 2020 election for personal benefit.</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <p>Speaking of prayer and wasted time, let’s not forget <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/life/2020/11/trump-spiritual-adviser-paula-white-goes-viral-with-unhinged-2020-election-prayer" rel="noopener noreferrer">the arrival earlier this week</a> of clips featuring Trump’s purported “spiritual adviser” Paula White engaging in whatever the fuck this is:</p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/life/2020/11/trump-supporters-gathered-outside-election-department-nevada-pray-votes-away">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/trump-supporters-gather-outside-nevada-election-dept-to-pray-votes-away/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Pastor Brags About Thousands Ignoring COVID-19 for So-Called ‘Prayer Rally’</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/pastor-brags-about-thousands-ignoring-covid-19-for-so-called-prayer-rally/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/pastor-brags-about-thousands-ignoring-covid-19-for-so-called-prayer-rally/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 08 Sep 2020 18:25:38 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[california]]></category> <category><![CDATA[christianity]]></category> <category><![CDATA[church]]></category> <category><![CDATA[coronavirus]]></category> <category><![CDATA[covid-19]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-other]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-social]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[religion]]></category> <category><![CDATA[stupid-people]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[videos]]></category> <category><![CDATA[wtf]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/pastor-brags-about-thousands-ignoring-covid-19-for-so-called-prayer-rally/</guid> <description><![CDATA[“God is not done with California,” Sean Feucht, a self-described “founder of multiple movements” and a “lover of Jesus Christ,” bragged over the weekend. Perhaps to his surprise, neither is COVID-19. Feucht, further described in this CBS Sacramento report as a pastor associated with Bethel Church in Redding, also boasted about an alleged attendance of more than 12,000 […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p>“God is not done with California,” Sean Feucht, a self-described “founder of multiple movements” and a “lover of Jesus Christ,” bragged over the weekend. Perhaps to his surprise, neither is <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/covid-19" rel="noopener noreferrer">COVID-19</a>.</p> <p>Feucht, further described in <a target="_blank" href="https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2020/09/08/ca-state-capitol-prayer-rally-sean-feucht-bethel-church/" rel="noopener noreferrer">this CBS Sacramento report</a> as a pastor associated with Bethel Church in Redding, also boasted about an alleged attendance of more than 12,000 at the latest iteration of his <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/trash" rel="noopener noreferrer">worship-and-music event</a> that’s widely billed as an intentional bucking of <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/coronavirus" rel="noopener noreferrer">pandemic</a> era health guidelines. Put another way, this is willful stupidity.</p> <p>On Sunday, Feucht and company engaged in virus denialism on the California State Capitol grounds. As you surely could have guessed, there was no regard for social distancing. Masks, meanwhile, were largely nonexistent among attendees.</p> <p>As you can see on Feucht’s website, from which events of this type are livestreamed and accompanied by a petition, he is attempting to posit this year’s pandemic guidelines as some sort of targeted attack on religion, which would mark an objectively hilarious example of preposterousness were it not also dangerous as all hell.</p> <p>“Powerful politicians and social media giants have engaged in unchartered abuses of religious liberty, silencing the faithful, banning our voices, and outright attacking our God-given right to declare His goodness,” he says on the site, presumably while keeping a straight face.</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <p>Health officials, rightfully, have condemned the latest Feucht-led gathering as merely the latest example of people not taking COVID-19 with the level of seriousness it demands.</p> <p>Of course, this isn’t the first incident involving a church figure who’s openly toying with public health. Previous examples, including <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/life/2020/04/virginia-pastor-who-held-church-service-dies-of-coronavirus" rel="noopener noreferrer">this Virginia pastor</a> who died of COVID-19 after vowing to preach unless he was in jail or the hospital, should make it quite clear why these tactics are not in the best interest of the general public.</p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/life/2020/09/pastor-brags-about-thousands-ignoring-covid-19-prayer-rally-at-california-capitol">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/pastor-brags-about-thousands-ignoring-covid-19-for-so-called-prayer-rally/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Kanye West and Nick Cannon Share Part 2 of Interview</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/kanye-west-and-nick-cannon-share-part-2-of-interview/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/kanye-west-and-nick-cannon-share-part-2-of-interview/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 08 Sep 2020 14:21:41 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[bernie-sanders]]></category> <category><![CDATA[christianity]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-entertainment]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-entertainment-movies]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-entertainment-tv]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music-hiphop]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music-other]]></category> <category><![CDATA[donald-trump]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[jesus]]></category> <category><![CDATA[joe-biden]]></category> <category><![CDATA[kamala-harris]]></category> <category><![CDATA[kanye-west]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[nick-cannon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[republicans]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[videos]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://freshestfm.com/kanye-west-and-nick-cannon-share-part-2-of-interview/</guid> <description><![CDATA[Despite no one asking for this, and despite the overwhelming sense that the world is aching to move on from acknowledging the existence of such things at all, Kanye West and Nick Cannon have still decided to share part 2 of their apparently quite long interview. In under four minutes, this part of the discussion […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p>Despite no one asking for this, and despite the overwhelming sense that the world is aching to move on from acknowledging the existence of such things at all, <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/republicans" rel="noopener noreferrer">Kanye West</a> and <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/nick-cannon" rel="noopener noreferrer">Nick Cannon</a> have still decided to share part 2 of their apparently quite long interview.</p> <p>In under four minutes, this part of the discussion turns to matters of Trump. Of course, we would all probably be much better off by not amplifying its reach any further, but I digress. </p> <p>When addressing his friendship with Jared Kushner, West attempted to rationalize it by also claiming that he tried to meet with <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/bernie-sanders" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bernie Sanders</a>, who declined to do so. He also claimed to have a desire to meet with Joe Biden, though it’s hard to fathom what could be gained from such a meeting. Meeting “with anybody,” West further argued, is akin to the behavior of biblical character Jesus Christ.</p> <p>“I’m fine to meet with Biden,” West said. “I would meet with anybody. I love everybody. Jesus loves everybody.”</p> <p>Shortly after the Jesus comparison, West—who was seen in Georgia over the weekend doing some kind of “walk on water” stunt <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/music/2020/09/kanye-west-joel-osteen-roasted-for-walk-on-water-stunt" rel="noopener noreferrer">with televangelist Joel Osteen</a>—reiterated the same sentiment from a more personal angle.</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <p>“I can meet with whoever I want,” he said. “You know why? Because I’m free.”</p> <p>From there, West—as previously reported by way of teaser clips from the interview shared by Cannon—briefly addressed being “in cahoots” with Republicans.</p> <p>“Can’t nobody pay me … I got more money than Trump,” West alleged, <a target="_blank" href="https://www.complex.com/music/2020/08/kanye-addresses-speculation-being-paid-by-republicans-help-trump-get-elected" rel="noopener noreferrer">as previously reported</a>.</p> <p>Moving back to the Kushner topic, West alleged that he and the Trump advisor were discussing <em>PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America</em> by Claud Anderson.</p> <p>“But I don’t care if we talked and just got some ice cream,” West said. “I can get ice cream. That’s what I’m saying I don’t have to justify none of my actions, period … What has Biden done for me that’s so special to make me vote for this man?”</p> <p>About 10 minutes in, Cannon asked if becoming POTUS—which is mathematically impossible for West—is a “realistic” goal for 2020. West responded by saying “god has made unreal things happen” before then shifting the conversation. He also again threw in more dangerous attempts at demonizing a woman’s right to choose, including comments which aren’t worth repeating here. Shortly after, West alleged that he would become POTUS “in our lifetime.”</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <p>When asking about aiming for 2024 instead, as well as potentially showing support for Biden’s VP pick Kamala Harris, Cannon wondered if West would be happy to see her in the White House. West responded by asking Cannon if such a thing would “good for Christ,” then falsely argued that Democrats aren’t allowed to discuss their religious preferences in a public manner.</p> <p>“When you a Democrat, you not allowed to talk about Christ,” West said, despite that not being true. “Republicans are allowed to talk about Christ.” West added that one’s values will more closely align with those of Republicans “if you’re a Christian.”</p> <p>About 25 minutes in, West returned to the apparent struggles of being wealthy, struggles which other bible enthusiasts will surely agree are of the utmost importance amid a pandemic. For example, West laughed about <em>Forbes</em> constituting “some of my favorite white supremacists” when discussing a recent billionaire distinction.</p> <p>“They cold, bro,” West said. “My most favorite white supremacists is <em>Forbes. </em>Because, bro, I just gotta, like, respect. They gangster, bro. They don’t live in 2020. They act like it’s 1800s, still.” Speaking further on this topic, West lamented that <em>Forbes</em> and <em>Bloomberg</em> provided differing estimates on financial matters connected to his businesses.</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <p>Anyway, the full thing is up top if you must subject yourself to such a thing.</p> <p><em>This post is being updated.</em></p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/music/2020/09/kanye-west-nick-cannon-interview-part-two">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/kanye-west-and-nick-cannon-share-part-2-of-interview/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>‘Officer Karen’ Mocked for Tearful Video About McMuffin Order</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/officer-karen-mocked-for-tearful-video-about-mcmuffin-order/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/officer-karen-mocked-for-tearful-video-about-mcmuffin-order/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 17 Jun 2020 17:44:06 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[cops]]></category> <category><![CDATA[crybaby]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-social]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[karen]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lol]]></category> <category><![CDATA[mcdonalds]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[police]]></category> <category><![CDATA[police-brutality]]></category> <category><![CDATA[stupid-people]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[videos]]></category> <category><![CDATA[wtf]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/officer-karen-mocked-for-tearful-video-about-mcmuffin-order/</guid> <description><![CDATA[A person who finds a mild delay in McMuffin delivery to be so emotionally disruptive that it results in a bout of self-recorded tears is also allowed to roam around, copping it up, presumably with a potentially fatal weapon at their side at all times. As the assortment of related hashtags trending their way onto your […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p>A person who finds a mild delay in <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/mcdonalds" rel="noopener noreferrer">McMuffin</a> delivery to be so emotionally disruptive that it results in a bout of self-recorded tears is also allowed to roam around, <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/police-brutality" rel="noopener noreferrer">copping</a> it up, presumably with a potentially fatal weapon at their side at all times.</p> <p>As the assortment of related hashtags trending their way onto your timeline have surely already informed you, the video in question sees a ludicrously unsettled cop—referred to by some ensuing commentators as <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/karen" rel="noopener noreferrer">Karen</a>, Officer Karen, McMuffin Karen, etc.—detailing what she apparently feels was a harrowing incident of non-immediate receipt of a fast food breakfast sandwich of arguable quality.</p> <p>After bragging about strangers’ habit of purportedly paying for her food, she explains that—in this instance—she used the McDonald’s app to order ahead. And that’s when the McMuffin-centered hell broke loose for this officer with peculiar priorities.</p> <p>“I’m on my way home from work,” she says in the clip, which you can find above if that sounds like something you can stomach. “When I pull up to the window, they hand me my receipt so I go to the second window to get my food. And I’m waiting and I’m waiting and I’m waiting. The girl comes to the window and asks me what my order was. I repeat my order and my coffee order and they ask me to pull up because my food’s not ready. It’s an English muffin meal with a hash brown and a coffee.”</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <p>After pulling to the side, the cops says a McDonald’s employee brought a coffee to her window, sans food.</p> <p>“And that’s all she hands me is a coffee,” the cop says whilst hilariously fighting back tears before launching into a diatribe about respecting cops or some shit. “So I told her, I said, ‘Don’t bother with the food because now I’m too nervous to take it.’ It doesn’t matter how many hours I’ve been up. It doesn’t matter what I’ve done for anyone. Right now, I’m too nervous to take a meal from McDonald’s because I can’t see it being made. I don’t know what’s going on with people nowadays but please just give us a break. I don’t know how much more I can take.”</p> <p>First of all, LMAO. And secondly, the officer’s remarkable display of tone deafness is actively being swiftly mocked into oblivion:</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <section class="suitcase-ad"/></div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/life/2020/06/officer-karen-mocked-for-tearful-video-about-having-to-wait-for-mcmuffin-order">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/officer-karen-mocked-for-tearful-video-about-mcmuffin-order/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Keri Hilson Blasted for Spreading Conspiracy Theory Falsely Linking COVID-19 With 5G</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/keri-hilson-blasted-for-spreading-conspiracy-theory-falsely-linking-covid-19-with-5g/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/keri-hilson-blasted-for-spreading-conspiracy-theory-falsely-linking-covid-19-with-5g/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 16 Mar 2020 17:40:27 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[conspiracy theories]]></category> <category><![CDATA[coronavirus]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-music-other]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-social]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[keri-hilson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[wtf]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/keri-hilson-blasted-for-spreading-conspiracy-theory-falsely-linking-covid-19-with-5g/</guid> <description><![CDATA[A recklessly unfortunate side effect of ongoing COVID-19 fears is the rapid spread of reckless misinformation and impassioned (but no less reckless) breakdowns of conspiracy theories. As your Twitter timeline has likely informed you by now, the latest public figure to engage in the latter is Keri Hilson. Her conspiracy theory of choice is centered around an […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p>A recklessly unfortunate side effect of ongoing <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/coronavirus" rel="noopener noreferrer">COVID-19 fears</a> is the rapid spread of reckless misinformation and impassioned (but no less reckless) breakdowns of <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/conspiracy-theories" rel="noopener noreferrer">conspiracy theories.</a></p> <p>As your Twitter timeline has likely informed you by now, the latest public figure to engage in the latter is <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/keri-hilson" rel="noopener noreferrer">Keri Hilson</a>. Her conspiracy theory of choice is centered around an effort to link 5G wireless technology to the proliferation of COVID-19, which—as <em>Politifact</em> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/mar/09/facebook-posts/no-evidence-coronavirus-was-faked-cover-5g-syndrom/" rel="noopener noreferrer">pointed out</a> earlier this month—constitutes a falsehood.</p> <p>“People have been trying to warn us about 5G for YEARS,” Hilson said on Twitter over the weekend. “Petitions, organizations, studies…what we’re going thru is the affects of radiation.”</p> <div class="custom-embed"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p> </p> <p>People have been trying to warn us about 5G for YEARS. Petitions, organizations, studies…what we’re going thru is the affects of radiation.</p> <p>5G launched in CHINA. Nov 1, 2019. People dropped dead. See attached & go to my IG stories for more. TURN OFF 5G by disabling LTE!!! <a href="https://t.co/wzLH8cXStZ" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pic.twitter.com/wzLH8cXStZ</a></p> <p> <br /> — Keri Hilson (@KeriHilson) <a href="https://twitter.com/KeriHilson/status/1239355228291465216?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">March 16, 2020</a></p></blockquote> </div> <p>From there, Hilson shared screenshot-captured conspiracy theory readings, shouted out an IG account, and asked her followers “Why do you think the virus is not happening in Africa like that?”</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <div class="custom-embed"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p> </p> <p>I watched the below vid on <a href="https://twitter.com/chakabars?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@chakabars</a> IG this am—WATCH IT! I also hv a friend who’s been showing me youtubes over the past year on the physical/human affects of 4 & 5G. Researched for myself today re: COVID19…connections were quite peculiar. And after all I’ve read, believable. <a href="https://t.co/p4ugxGVXkd" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pic.twitter.com/p4ugxGVXkd</a></p> <p> <br /> — Keri Hilson (@KeriHilson) <a href="https://twitter.com/KeriHilson/status/1239368972287512576?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">March 16, 2020</a></p></blockquote> </div> <div class="custom-embed"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p> </p> <p>And to be clear, I’m saying there have been lots of studies & experiments that point to the possibility that the dangerous levels of of electromagnetic radiation (5G) could be CAUSING the contagious virus. <a href="https://t.co/er1lib7hrU" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pic.twitter.com/er1lib7hrU</a></p> <p> <br /> — Keri Hilson (@KeriHilson) <a href="https://twitter.com/KeriHilson/status/1239378361903992832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">March 16, 2020</a></p></blockquote> </div> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <div class="custom-embed"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p> </p> <p>Why do you think the virus is not happening in Africa like that? Not a 5G region. There may be a few bases there, but not as prevalent as other countries. It has nothing to do w/ melanin (for those theories)…</p> <p> <br /> — Keri Hilson (@KeriHilson) <a href="https://twitter.com/KeriHilson/status/1239429826261458944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">March 16, 2020</a></p></blockquote> </div> <p>Later, she said she was prepping for a possible two-week lockdown.</p> <div class="custom-embed"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p> </p> <p>Preparing for a potential 2 week lock-down. <img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/72x72/1f647-1f3fe-200d-2640-fe0f.png" alt="🙇🏾♀️" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> Stayed up to catch a 2nd round of shopping at 6am. Pretty hard to plan what I’m gonna wanna eat over 14 whole days. I’m the girl who doesn’t know what the hell I be wantin to eat TUHDAY. <img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/72x72/1f928.png" alt="🤨" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/72x72/1f611.png" alt="😑" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /></p> <p> <br /> — Keri Hilson (@KeriHilson) <a href="https://twitter.com/KeriHilson/status/1239525377938206721?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">March 16, 2020</a></p></blockquote> </div> <p>The blowback, of course, was swift: </p> <div class="custom-embed"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p> </p> <p>Keri Hilson being a 5G truther (?) is another curveball that could only exist in 2020</p> <p> <br /> — philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) <a href="https://twitter.com/Phil_Lewis_/status/1239382868687826944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">March 16, 2020</a></p></blockquote> </div> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <div class="custom-embed"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p> </p> <p>keri hilson really said that VIRAL DISEASES come from fucking 5g cellphone towers……i hate it here!</p> <p> <br /> — m <img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/72x72/1f49e.png" alt="💞" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> (@mimisnippy) <a href="https://twitter.com/mimisnippy/status/1239524064282238980?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">March 16, 2020</a></p></blockquote> </div> <section class="suitcase-ad"/> <p>Previous coronavirus-inspired misinformation spreads have included the Facebook-popularized false claim of cocaine being a cure, as well as the recent revelation that people were apparently actually listening to a dumbfuck televangelist’s advice on downing “Silver Sol Liquid” <a target="_self" href="https://www.complex.com/life/2020/03/televangelist-jim-bakker-sued-by-missouri-fake-coronavirus-cure" rel="noopener noreferrer">to thwart the virus.</a></p> <p>For a handy guide on various falsehoods popping up around COVID-19, <a target="_blank" href="https://www.snopes.com/collections/coronavirus-conspiracy-theories/" rel="noopener noreferrer">consult this.</a></p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/music/2020/03/keri-hilson-blasted-for-spreading-conspiracy-theory-linking-covid-19-with-5g">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/keri-hilson-blasted-for-spreading-conspiracy-theory-falsely-linking-covid-19-with-5g/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>California Authorities Seized, Eradicated $1 Billion Worth of ‘Illicit Marijuana’ in Bust</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/california-authorities-seized-eradicated-1-billion-worth-of-illicit-marijuana-in-bust/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/california-authorities-seized-eradicated-1-billion-worth-of-illicit-marijuana-in-bust/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 05 Nov 2019 13:41:47 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[cannabis]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-social]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[marijuana]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[police]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[videos]]></category> <category><![CDATA[weed]]></category> <category><![CDATA[wtf]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/california-authorities-seized-eradicated-1-billion-worth-of-illicit-marijuana-in-bust/</guid> <description><![CDATA[After receiving some apparently titillating info on multiple hemp cultivation sites, California authorities discovered the sites were housing what they call “illicit marijuana gardens.” In a statement, the Kern County Sheriff’s Office said the initial tip kicked off a joint investigation with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p>After receiving some apparently titillating info on multiple hemp cultivation sites, <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/california" rel="noopener noreferrer">California</a> authorities discovered the sites were housing what they call “illicit <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/marijuana" rel="noopener noreferrer">marijuana</a> gardens.”</p> <p>In a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/kernsheriff/posts/1090144958036472?__tn__=-R" rel="noopener noreferrer">statement</a>, the Kern County Sheriff’s Office said the initial tip kicked off a joint investigation with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A search warrant was executed on 11 field (more than 459 acres in total) in the Arvin area on Oct. 25, at which point the Kern County Sheriff’s Office narcotics division seized and ultimately destroyed an estimated 10 million marijuana plants. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/04/us/kern-county-10-million-marijuana-plants/index.html" rel="noopener noreferrer">According to</a> <em>CNN</em>, the estimated street value was more than $1 billion.</p> <p>“These illicit marijuana gardens were grown under the guise of legitimate hemp production,” a Kern County Sheriff’s Office rep said. “The Food and Agricultural Code and Health and Safety Code define industrial hemp has containing less than 0.3 percent THC content. The research exemption allows for cultivators to grow and possess hemp/cannabis that is over 0.3 percent THC content, ‘if that cultivation or possession contributes to the development of types of industrial hemp that will comply with the three-tenths of 1 percent THC limit established in this division.'”</p> <p>The rep also noted that this provision doesn’t allow for the commercial sale of hemp or cannabis over this threshold. The investigation is ongoing.</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"><span class="advertisement_text featured">POST CONTINUES BELOW</span></section> <p>While California wisely enacted the legalization of recreational marijuana back in 2016, authorities say the black market is still alive due in part to a desire from some to avoid the related taxes. On Monday, state authorities announced that they had seized <a target="_blank" href="https://www.npr.org/2019/11/04/776241615/california-seizes-more-than-1-5-billion-in-illegal-marijuana" rel="noopener noreferrer">more than $1.5 billion</a> worth of illegal marijuana in fiscal year 2019, a period that does not include the Arvin bust. </p> <p>“Our participation works to prevent this illegal market in order to promote a fair market place for those growers, producers, and vendors who choose to operate within the system that the voters approved,” California National Guard Counterdrug Task Force Coordinator Colonel Robert Paoletti said, noting the presence of a “large unlicensed black market” <a target="_blank" href="https://oag.ca.gov/news/press-releases/attorney-general-becerra-announces-148-arrests-part-statewide-cannabis" rel="noopener noreferrer">in the state.</a></p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/life/2019/11/california-authorities-seized-eradicated-1-billion-dollars-marijuana-bust">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/california-authorities-seized-eradicated-1-billion-worth-of-illicit-marijuana-in-bust/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Online Romance Scams Cost Americans $143 Million in 2018</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/online-romance-scams-cost-americans-143-million-in-2018/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/online-romance-scams-cost-americans-143-million-in-2018/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 23 Aug 2019 18:55:46 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[damn]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dating]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-politics-social]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-technology]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-technology-other]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[money]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[relationships]]></category> <category><![CDATA[scam]]></category> <category><![CDATA[scamming]]></category> <category><![CDATA[scams]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[wow]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/online-romance-scams-cost-americans-143-million-in-2018/</guid> <description><![CDATA[Suckers in America lost an estimated $143 million last year by way of online scams of the would-be romantic variety. That’s a stat now receiving renewed interest in the wake of this month’s announcement from federal officials, per CNN, that 80 people had been charged in connection with a scam operation that successfully snatched millions. Citing […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p>Suckers in <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/usa" rel="noopener noreferrer">America</a> lost an estimated $143 million last year by way of online <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/scams" rel="noopener noreferrer">scams</a> of the would-be romantic variety.</p> <p>That’s a stat now receiving renewed interest in the wake of this month’s announcement from federal officials, <a target="_blank" href="https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/23/us/online-romance-scams-losses-trnd/index.html?utm_content=2019-08-23T10%3A05%3A14&utm_term=link&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twCNN" rel="noopener noreferrer">per</a> <em>CNN</em>, that 80 people had been charged in connection with a scam operation that successfully snatched millions.</p> <p>Citing the most recent Federal Trade Commission stats on romance-related scams, the report states that more than 21,000 people were tricked into handing over a total of $143 million via various nefarious means from assorted parties last year. When compared with the total hauls for previous years, there’s been a quite measurable increase over the last few years, with losses estimated to have jumped fourfold from 2015 to 2018.</p> <p>In a handy guide to scam avoidance originally released just before this year’s reliably vomitous edition of Valentine’s Day, Lisa Weintraub Schifferle—attorney for the FTC’s Division of Consumer & Business Education—pointed out that 2018 saw Americans lose more money via online romance scams than <a target="_blank" href="https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/2019/02/romance-scams-will-cost-you" rel="noopener noreferrer">any other type of scam</a> that was reported that year. </p> <p>Scams, in general, are of concern for the FTC. The commission has also sent out public warnings on scammers who work under the guise of crowdfunding campaigns, disaster donations, IRS debts, and more.</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"><span class="advertisement_text featured">POST CONTINUES BELOW</span></section> <div class="custom-embed"> <blockquote data-lang="en" class="twitter-tweet"><p> </p> <p>After electing DJT the stupid factor in this country no longer surprises me</p> <p> <br /> — Ellen Scholl (@EllenScholl4) <a href="https://twitter.com/EllenScholl4/status/1164843381467447296?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">August 23, 2019</a> </p></blockquote> </div> <p>Do better, everyone. If a scammy scam from a scamming scammer feels like a scam, tell the scam police <a target="_blank" href="https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/#crnt&panel1-1" rel="noopener noreferrer">right here. </a></p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/life/2019/08/online-romance-scams-cost-americans-143-million-dollars-2018">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/online-romance-scams-cost-americans-143-million-in-2018/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Fined $395,000 by FCC for Using Emergency Alert System Tones in Sketch</title> <link>https://freshestfm.com/jimmy-kimmel-live-fined-395000-by-fcc-for-using-emergency-alert-system-tones-in-sketch/</link> <comments>https://freshestfm.com/jimmy-kimmel-live-fined-395000-by-fcc-for-using-emergency-alert-system-tones-in-sketch/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SOURCE]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 16 Aug 2019 12:36:26 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[dfp-entertainment]]></category> <category><![CDATA[dfp-entertainment-tv]]></category> <category><![CDATA[donald-trump]]></category> <category><![CDATA[fcc]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[jimmy-kimmel]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lame]]></category> <category><![CDATA[money]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Music]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[the-walking-dead]]></category> <category><![CDATA[tier-one]]></category> <category><![CDATA[wtf]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://freshestfm.com/jimmy-kimmel-live-fined-395000-by-fcc-for-using-emergency-alert-system-tones-in-sketch/</guid> <description><![CDATA[Jimmy Kimmel Live is among several shows that have been hit with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) fines for the use of emergency alert system tones. The ABC late-night talk show must pay $395,000 for the use of such tones in a 2018 skit in which the presidential alert system of a certain dumbass purported POTUS was […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br /> </p> <div> <p><a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/jimmy-kimmel" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Jimmy Kimmel Live</em></a> is among several shows that have been hit with Federal Communications Commission (<a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/poop" rel="noopener noreferrer">FCC</a>) fines for the use of emergency alert system tones.</p> <p>The ABC late-night talk show must pay $395,000 for the use of such tones in a 2018 skit in which the presidential alert system of a certain <a target="_blank" href="http://complex.com/tag/donald-trump" rel="noopener noreferrer">dumbass</a> purported POTUS was mocked, with the FCC stating in a press release that it has “repeatedly warned” against using “simulated or actual” EAS tones in unauthorized instances. According to the FCC, such uses (either commercial or entertainment-related) can inspired what they call “alert fatigue,” meaning the general public becomes accustomed to the alerts in such a manner that renders them not as effective.</p> <p>The <em>Kimmel</em> usage in question saw the tone used three times in an Oct. 3-aired sketch, <a target="_blank" href="https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/16/media/jimmy-kimmel-live-walking-dead-fcc-fine/index.html" rel="noopener noreferrer">per</a> <em>CNN</em>, the airing of which was preceded hours earlier by a test of the presidential text alert. “ABC takes regulatory compliance seriously and we are pleased to have resolved this issue,” an ABC rep <a target="_blank" href="https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/abc-pay-395000-fcc-fine-jimmy-kimmel-live-emergency-alert-misuse-1232481" rel="noopener noreferrer">told</a> <em>THR</em> of the fine news overnight.</p> <p>Similarly, AMC’s <em>The Walking Dead</em> has been hit with a $104,000 fine for using simulated EAS tones back in February. Discovery was also hit with a fine, this one in the amount of $68,000, for a <em>Lone Star Law</em> episode that included an actual emergency alert. Also, a $67,000 fine was sent Meruelo Radio Holdings’ way for using these sounds in promo materials.</p> <section class="suitcase-ad"><span class="advertisement_text featured">POST CONTINUES BELOW</span></section> <p>Any unauthorized use of the EAS tone, the FCC <a target="_blank" href="https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-settles-investigations-misuse-emergency-alert-tones" rel="noopener noreferrer">said</a> Thursday, “presents a substantial threat to public safety.”</p> </div> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2019/08/jimmy-kimmel-live-fined-395-thousand-dollars-fcc-emergency-alert-system-tones">Source link </a></p> <p> <a style="display:none" rel="follow" href="http://megatheme.ir/" title="قالب وردپرس">قالب وردپرس</a></p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://freshestfm.com/jimmy-kimmel-live-fined-395000-by-fcc-for-using-emergency-alert-system-tones-in-sketch/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> </channel> </rss>