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SpaceX’s latest Starship rocket prototype completed its test flight Wednesday with a first-ever successful landing. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk shared the milestone accomplishment on Twitter.  The newest 150-foot prototype, Starship serial number 15, or SN15, completed a climb of around 30,000 feet above its South Texas facility before executing a series of aerial acrobatics and returning to solid […]

NASA once again careened into the early morning news cycle with some history-making developments of the Mars variety on Monday. The agency said early Monday that it’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter had become the first aircraft in history to successfully make a powered, controlled flight on another planet. The flight’s success was confirmed by the Ingenuity […]

NASA is investigating a string of “Marsquakes” that have been detected on the Red Planet, in the hopes that they could provide info about potential surface landslides or underground volcanos.  The tremors were detected by the space agency’s InSight lander, which touched down on our planetary neighbor back in November 2018. Insight’s purpose is to learn more about […]

The architecture studio ABIBOO has revealed plans for the creation of the first sustainable city on Mars and they’re hoping to have it completed and ready for residents in 2100 with construction beginning in 2054. Located on Tempe Mensa, the city of Nüwa will feature a population of 250,000 people primarily located inside the rock of a steep […]

The newest prototype of Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket Starship executed what appeared to be a successful landing Wednesday at its facilities in Boca Chica, Texas before exploding several minutes later Despite the unfortunate conclusion to this latest test flight, Starship serial number 10, or SN10, represents another gradual improvement over its predecessors, SN8 and SN9, both of which […]

Though it ended in a fiery explosion, Starship‘s latest test flight was deemed a success.  SpaceX launched the 165-foot-tall prototype, dubbed SN8, Wednesday in South Texas, where it soared to a height of nearly 8 miles. The test marked a major milestone for the aerospace manufacturer, as it was the highest test flight yet. It also managed to complete a number of […]

Mars, a place we’d surely all rather be at this point, is indeed on the horizon. On Tuesday night, SpaceX celebrated a successful launch of its methane-powered Starship SN5 prototype, which can be seen in the remarkable footage below taking to the skies of Boca Chica, Texas for a short test flight or “hop.” The prototype craft, per […]

Two 10th grade girls from India made national headlines after discovering an Earth-bound asteroid. According to CNN, Radhika Lakhani and Vaidehi Vekariya made the discovery while working on a school project in which students use special software to analyze images captured by the Pan-STARRS telescope in Hawaii. The project is part of an asteroid search campaign launched by SPACE India in […]

Scientists have confirmed in Nature Geoscience on Monday that methane gas was detected on Mars inside the 96-mile-wide depression near the Martian equator known as Gale Crater. The intrigue surrounding the presence of methane—a gas emitted by living creatures on Earth—could suggest that there are signs of life on the Red Planet. We may be one step closer to cracking the Mars methane mystery. […]