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It’s the photo that launched a thousand memes.  While all eyes were set on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, photojournalist Brendan Smialowski captured an image so striking, so impactful, that social media users couldn’t help but welcome it into the meme hall of fame.  Nearly a week later it seems like there isn’t a person […]

Bernie Sanders, who unintentionally inspired a god-level meme with his appearance at the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, dropped in on Seth Meyers‘ Late Night proceedings on Thursday. Naturally, Meyers opened their ensuing discussion with a bit of meme-based chatter. After Sanders explained that he was in “tears” on the day of the inauguration […]

Bernie Sanders produced another relatable meme after his appearance at the inauguration, and now someone has made a website that can place the senator anywhere in the world. Created by software engineer Nick Sawhney, the new site allows you to enter an address and see Bernie sitting outside anywhere on Google Maps with his mittens on. […]

The Internet and memes have a way of expanding the lifespan of any cultural moment far past its point of relevancy. Save the Last Dance hit theaters 20 years ago on January 12, 2001, and while people loved the movie when it came out, one particular scene continues to resurface over the years and inspires […]

At one point or another, we’ve all been a disgruntled staffer. On Monday, one hero identified as exactly that edited the U.S. State Department’s website to say that both Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s last day in office was Jan. 11.  “Donald J. Trump’s term ended on 2021-01-11 19:49:00,” the site read, prompting rumors that […]

A video recently went viral showing an altercation between a white man and Black man inside a convenience store in Elyria, Ohio last week, culminating with the Black man slapping the inebriated white man with a Twisted Tea can across the face for using the N-word, Daily Dot reports. While confronting the white man over his racist, belligerent behavior, […]

A museum of memes—a memeseum, if you will—marks a unique collaboration featuring the creative input of Complex, Instagram, and Ka5sh. In a team-up with a variety of emerging artists, as well as with augmented reality designer, this assembly of creative voices will bring a reinterpretation of the memes that helped capture the ridiculousness of […]

Nathan Apodaca, a.k.a. 420doggface208, has received thousands of dollars in donations from generous fans of his still-ubiquitous TikTok featuring the comforting pairing of a skate-improving Fleetwood Mac classic and a jug of Ocean Spray’s Cran-Raspberry drink. Apodaca said in an interview on Tuesday that he’s going to use the money that’s been donated to him so far by putting […]

Tuesday began in the same fashion as any other pandemic era Tuesday, with the morning bringing with it the reminder that today is no different from any other day, save for one notable exception for certain lucky La Flame fans. Indeed, Sept. 8 marked the launch of the much-discussed Travis Scott and McDonald’s collab campaign. […]

There’s no doubt 2020 has taken a heavy toll on our collective mental health. Between the ongoing health crisis, the worldwide fight for racial justice, and highly contentious presidential race, it’s no wonder why many of us are yearning to just get away so that we may wring all the stress and anxiety out from our brains. Unfortunately, the […]

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