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The Chief of the Minneapolis Police Department was questioned live on the air by George Floyd‘s brother on Sunday. During a live interview with CNN‘s Sara Snider, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo was asked a question on behalf of Philonise Floyd. “The question that I have is I want to know if he’s gonna get me justice for […]

Thousands have been arrested amid nationwide protests spurred by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department. Over days of protests, which have been marred in multiple instances by aggressive police who are eager to take down activists and journalists alike, the Associated Press states that at least 4,400 people have […]

Shocking footage of a tanker truck was captured on Sunday, as it attempted to drive through a large crowd of protesters holding a demonstration on Interstate 35W in Minneapolis, The Star Tribune reports.  According to The Star Tribune, dozens of marchers were seated or had taken a knee for a moment of silence on the highway, when the driver was […]

As anticipated in the thick of a tumultuous humanitarian crisis, activist hacker group Anonymous is rearing its head during the current uprisings. On Saturday, the internet discovered that the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) website was taken offline. Although the group didn’t take direct responsibility for the act, an account associated with Anonymous revealed that the site was disabled.  The […]

Minnesota officials have claimed that outside agitators, including white supremacist groups, have infiltrated the state to cause widespread damage during the protests over the murder of George Floyd. During a press conference on Saturday, Governor Tim Walz, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, and state Attorney General Keith Ellison alleged outside forces […]

With civil unrest continuing to boil over in Minneapolis, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz revealed on Saturday that he would be mobilizing the state’s national guard in hopes to control the protests. Walz’s decision marks the first time in the state’s history that the national guard will be deployed against its citizens. During a conversation with the media, Walz claimed that the situation […]

As protests following the police killing of George Floyd showing no signs of slowing down, Colin Kaepernick has offered to pay for the lawyers of protesters arrested in Minneapolis. The former NFL quarterback, who made headlines in 2016 for protesting police brutality, has launched the Know Your Rights Legal Initiative, which will help cover the […]

Complex News is present in Minneapolis, MI as communitities continue to express their anger and pain with powerful protests to demand justice for the murder of George Floyd. We are commited to lending our platform for poeple to speak up, and let them express what they have to say.  Source link قالب وردپرس

George Floyd was a 46-year-old unarmed black man who was murdered by the Minneapolis police on Memorial Day. Ex-officer Derek Chauvin was caught on video pinning Floyd to the ground, pressing his knee into his neck and ultimately killing him. Three other officers were also present during Floyd’s murder. As it currently stands, Chauvin has been arrested and charged with murder […]

In a press conference on Friday, Stephen Jackson said he is doing everything he can to make sure the cops involved in the murder of George Floyd are dealt with appropriately. “If there’s no answers, we gotta come up with our own answers—and we willing to do that,” Jackson said. “Understand that, we willing to do […]