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NASA is investigating a string of “Marsquakes” that have been detected on the Red Planet, in the hopes that they could provide info about potential surface landslides or underground volcanos.  The tremors were detected by the space agency’s InSight lander, which touched down on our planetary neighbor back in November 2018. Insight’s purpose is to learn more about […]

An asteroid thought to be one of the biggest threats to strike the planet when it was first discovered back in 2004 is now being dismissed as a non-issue (at least for the foreseeable future) after astronomers were able to better assess its trajectory. Check back in 100+ years.  Previously the object, dubbed ‘99942 Apophis,’ was believed […]

Despite her young age, Alena Wicker has big dreams. The 12-year-old Arizona girl recently received her high school diploma and is now gearing up to begin college at Arizona State University, where she plans to pursue degrees in astronomical and planetary sciences and chemistry. The prodigy spoke about her life plans in an interview with KPNX, explaining […]

An unknown mass that will buzz past earth in the early hours of December 1 (tomorrow) has NASA scientists a tad confused. As a result, this mysterious object has been given the moniker “2020 SO” by those scientists. Also by “buzz” we mean come within between 31,000-32,000 miles of this planet. No need to freak.  The […]

In a new study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, scientists from McGill University, York University, and the Indian Institute of Science Education detail the fascinating discoveries that have been made about one “lava planet” in particular.  Named K2-141b, this exoplanet is about half the size of Earth, per NBC News. The exoplanet was initially […]

A new report from the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy indicates that a 1,000-foot-wide asteroid called Apophis may pass very close to Earth in 2068. While tracking the asteroid, which is named after the Egyptian god of chaos, scientists found it has sped up due to an orbital process called the Yarkovsky effect. “The new […]

NASA confirmed its OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has successfully touched down on Bennu—a carbonaceous asteroid located about 200 million miles from Earth. The agency shared video of the spacecraft’s touch-and-go operation, in which it briefly landed on the astroid to swipe rocks and dust that are billions of years old. NASA says those samples, which are expected to be delivered to Earth in […]

A new theory being proposed by those looking to get the iceberg off the hook (at least partially) for sinking the Titanic has been put forth by researchers who have instead decided to pin some of that disaster on the sun. On a related note, let this be the part where we say that alternative […]

An asteroid is set to buzz by Earth but not kill everyone, according to NASA. As you may be aware this happens on occasion.  The agency put out a tweet this past Friday stating that, on September 1, asteroid 2011 ES4 will miss Earth by 45,000 miles, which is close when you consider the universe is […]

NASA astronauts, Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, splashed down into the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday, bringing an end to their two-month test flight aboard Elon Musk’s SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, Fox News reports.  It marked the first splash down by U.S. astronauts in 45 years, and completed the United States’ mission to launch its own astronauts, ever since the […]