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Quentin Tarantino has alluded to the possibility of Kill Bill Vol. 3 countless times, but a definitive green light has yet to be presented. During a recent interview, Tarantino continued to drop hints, but this time he claimed that he and lead actress Uma Thurman discussed the third installment as recently as last week. “Me and Uma […]
Quentin Tarantino thinks he’s nearing the end of his directorial career. In an interview with GQ, he said that he believes he’ll stick to his famous 10 movies edict, making Once Upon A Time in Hollywood his penultimate movie. “I think when it comes to theatrical movies, I’ve come to the end of the road,” […]
I’ve been avoiding any and all details about Quentin Tarantino‘s new and ninth film, Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood, like the plague. I haven’t even watched the new trailer—I wanna go in cold and pure, baby! And that definitely means muting any and all details the Cool Kids at Cannes are tweeting for clout vis-à-vis their […]