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On Saturday, officials in the California city of Burbank resorted to putting a chain-link fence around a restaurant, the Tinhorn Flats Saloon & Grill, because it was repeatedly defying COVID-19 mandates. This move comes as demonstrators continue to rally on both sides of the issue, according to NBC Los Angeles.  City police Lt. Derek Green […]

On Monday, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made a declaration in which he asserted that the COVID-19 pandemic is “a long way from over,” due in part to “confusion and complacency,” and an overall lack of consistent public health measures.  Nearly 800 million vaccines have been given out across the globe, but Dr. Tedros said […]

A new study shows that as many as a third of COVID-19 survivors suffer a neurological or psychiatric disorder within six months. The study, published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal this week, pulled data (in part) from the electronic health records of 236,379 patients who had a COVID-19 diagnosis. As researchers explained when discussing their results, […]

Heinz confirmed to USA TODAY on Tuesday that the company will expand its efforts to address an unlikely byproduct of the COVID-19 pandemic that has impacted restaurants and fast food chains across the United States: a ketchup packet shortage. Manufacturing lines will be increased by about 25 percent to produce more than 12 billion packets a year.  In […]

Back in March, President Biden announced that he had directed states and regions in the U.S. to make all adults vaccine-eligible by the beginning of May. Now, that pivotal date is being moved up nearly two weeks. On Tuesday, the Associated Press cited an anonymous White House official as having confirmed that Biden would soon announce […]

An emerging coronavirus variant that experts believe to be partly responsible for the surge in cases in India has now been found in California. The Stanford Clinical Virology Lab identified one case of the “double mutant” variant in the Bay Area and is screening seven other possible cases, spokesperson Lisa Kim told the San Francisco Chronicle. […]

Protection following the second dose of the two-shot Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine lasts at least six months, per an updated analysis of observations made in a phase 3 study. Pfizer announced these latest findings in a news release on Thursday, noting that the new stats on its COVID-19 vaccine will soon be shared with global regulatory agencies. […]

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, as the pharmaceutical company and its partner BioNTech announced on Wednesday, is highly effective in people as young as 12 years old. Currently, the vaccine has been approved for use in those 16 years of age and up. In the months ahead, however, a key part of continuing the national vaccine rollout […]

While cautious optimism remains for the months ahead, particularly with regards to an ever-expanding vaccine rollout, the COVID-19 era—despite what certain regions’ laxness in mitigation efforts might have some people believing—is not over. Over the weekend, Dr. Anthony Fauci—President Biden’s chief medical advisor and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—was asked about […]

The coronavirus has claimed nearly 550,000 lives in the United States since February 2020. And according to one of the nation’s top health experts, most of those deaths could’ve been prevented. Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the Trump administration’s coronavirus coordinator, made the claim during a recent sit-down with CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta. Birx was among […]