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A woman in West Philadelphia was found with a gun disguised as a cell phone during a routine traffic stop over some tinted windows. The type of gun she got caught with, from manufacturer Ideal Concealer, has been on the market for almost five years now, though you don’t see much news about them being found amongst the […]

A mother of eight may be fleeing from federal law enforcement thanks to her involvement in the U.S. Capitol riot on January 6.  According to Pittsburgh’s CBS affiliate, FBI agents raided the home of Rachel Powell on Thursday, searching for evidence of her whereabouts and her role in directing the violent mob that stormed the […]

Three Pennsylvania residents were left dead following an argument over snow disposal. KDKA reports the incident began Monday morning in Plains Township, as James Goy and Lisa Goy were shoveling snow off their driveway. Authorities say the couple was soon confronted by their neighbor Jeffrey Spaide, who accused them of dumping snow onto his property. The neighbors reportedly got […]

The Supreme Court has rejected a long-shot bid by Republicans to reverse Pennsylvania’s certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the state. The decision was announced Tuesday with no noted dissents or comment from the nation’s highest court. “The application for injunctive relief presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is […]

It doesn’t appear that the Trump campaign nor Republicans are making any headway in their crusade to overturn the presidential election. Pennsylvania’s high court has dismissed a lower court’s order blocking the battleground state from certifying the Nov. 3 race. The state supreme court universally threw out the order, saying that the Republican-led lawsuit was […]

Trump’s reelection campaign has suffered another blow after a Pennsylvania federal appeals court rejected the sitting president’s attempts to invalidate the outcome of the state’s election. CNBC reports that the three judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit—who were nominated by Republican presidents—ruled that the Trump campaign’s “claims have no merit.” The decision […]

The Trump campaign has lost another lawsuit in his quest to deem the presidential election as fraudulent. CNN reports that a federal judge dismissed the case on Saturday, which would invalidate millions of mail-in votes in Pennsylvania, a key battleground state that the sitting president needed in order to defeat Biden. While it was largely […]

If you haven’t heard the name Dean Browning, that’s about to change. The former Pennsylvania Republican congressional candidate, who just lost his election bid, took to his verified Twitter account on Tuesday to share an anti-Barack Obama, pro-Donald Trump message. However, the post immediately raised eyebrows, as the person behind the message described themselves as […]

If you haven’t heard the name Dean Browning, that’s about to change. The former Pennsylvania Republican congressional candidate, who just lost his election bid, took to his verified Twitter account on Tuesday to share an anti-Barack Obama, pro-Donald Trump message. However, the post immediately raised eyebrows, as the person behind the message described themselves as […]

Donald Trump will reportedly declare a premature victory on election night if early results reveal that he’s “ahead,” Axios reports. Three sources told the outlet that Trump will do so regardless of if there are still uncounted votes in battleground like Pennsylvania. Per the sources, Trump has reportedly discussed in private his plans to walk up to a […]