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Philadelphia police allegedly took a 2-year-old child from his mother’s SUV after breaking all the windows and injuring the mother while arresting her. The nation’s largest police union, the Fraternal Order of Police later shared a photo of the child on Facebook and Twitter, claiming that they found a “lost” child amid the city’s protests, […]

Gisele Barreto Fetterman, wife of Pennsylvania’s Lt. Governor John Fetterman, was called a racial slur while making a quick grocery store run on Sunday.  In pursuit of some golden kiwis, Gisele went to a store close to their Braddock home. While there, however, she was confronted by a woman who was aware of who she is, and […]

While holding a campaign rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Saturday, Donald Trump made some comments about the Democrats. “The only way they can win Pennsylvania, frankly, is to cheat on the ballots,” he said. “That’s the way I look at it.” This wasn’t the first time Trump has made these claims either. During a rally he […]

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officials, as well as investigators from the state attorney general’s office and additional agencies, raided both the Mt. Lebanon Rehabilitation and Wellness Center and Brighton Rehabilitation and Wellness Center in Pennsylvania on Thursday. Per NBC News, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced in August that the Brighton nursing home was one […]

Coronavirus mask regulations seemed to have pushed one Pennsylvania man over the edge.  35-year-old Adam Zaborowski went on rampage after being told that he needed to wear a mask, the Washington Post reports. On Friday, a cigar shop clerk told Zaborowski that he needed to wear a mask in the shop. Instead of obliging, Zaborowski angrily argued that it wasn’t necessary. He even […]

After an investigation sparked following a video that surfaced last week of a Pennsylvania cop attempting to detain a man with his knee on his neck, Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin says that there is “absolutely no evidence” to support a criminal case against the officer. On Saturday afternoon, District Attorney Jim Martin issued a press release […]

The Lehigh County District Attorney’s Office has launched an investigation following the sharing of widely condemned footage showing an Allentown Police Department officer forcing his knee into a man’s neck to restrain him. As a regional Pennsylvania CBS outlet points out, the department claims its policy includes a ban on neck restraints and chokeholds. Its use-of-force policy, notably, was released […]

A Philadelphia Family Court employee and documented racist has been fired after being seen in widely shared footage tearing down Black Lives Matter signs and attempting to disparage the inherent message of the movement. Michael Henkel has been fired due to his behavior having violated “multiple” rules found in the Unified Judicial System Code of Conduct and […]

Police officers in Philadelphia gathered together by their local union headquarters on Monday to defend a staff inspector facing assault charges. Officer Joseph Bologna Jr. was filed striking a protester in the head with his baton last week, with the victim Evan Gorski suffering injuries that saw him require medical attention. As Philly Voice reports, footage of […]

Democratic Pennsylvania state legislators are claiming that Republicans kept the coronavirus diagnosis of a GOP colleague a secret from them. The Washington Post reports that Republican state Rep. Andrew Lewis confirmed on Wednesday that he tested positive for the virus on May 20, and Democrats claim he interacted with colleagues who didn’t know he might be sick.  Lewis […]