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President Trump has on more than one occasion asked national security and Homeland security officials to look into using nukes to prevent hurricanes from making it to the U.S., according to a report from Axios writers Jonathan Swan and Margaret Telev. The report was based on comments from “sources who have heard the president’s private remarks […]

Though he’s not president anymore Barack Obama is still doing that thing where he shares his summer playlist because, well, it’s not exactly something you need to be president to do. “With summer winding down, here’s a sampling of what Michelle and I have been listening to—some new, some old, some fast, some slow,” Obama […]

Art Spiegelman, the creator of the Pulitzer-winning graphic novel Maus, says that he withdrew an essay that he put together for a Marvel comics collection after the publisher asked him to pull a line which referenced Donald Trump as “Orange Skull.” It’s an obvious to A-list Marvel villain the Red Skull, as well as the […]

Though Joe Biden has remained the frontrunner in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama has reportedly expressed concern over his VP’s bid and even suggested he forgo the race. “You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” Obama told Biden early in 2019, according to a New York Times source. Insiders say Biden wanted to enter the 2016 […]

Rihanna has been an outspoken critic of Donald Trump before, but just like a lot of other Americans she’s had enough following the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. In a post on her Instagram, Rihanna has called up Trump with a screenshot of one of his tweets. “Um… Donald, you spelt ‘terrorism’ wrong,” she […]

Killer Mike has made a career off of exploring the underbelly of American society. Yet this doesn’t stop with his politically provocative raps. The Run the Jewels rapper is also very active in the voting process and during a conversation with Yahoo News disclosed a pressing issue that’s swaying his vote.  As he did in 2016, Killer Mike has endorsed Vermont Senator […]

The Atlantic has released newly obtained audio of an October 1971 conversation between Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon where the former used racist language to describe African delegates at the United Nations. Reagan, who was governor of California at the time of their conversation, was upset that members of the Tanzanian delegation started to dance in […]

The American Civil Liberties Union says the Trump administration has separated over 900 migrant children from their families, despite a 2018 court order that aimed to curtail the controversial practice. “The government is systematically separating large numbers of families based on minor criminal history, highly dubious allegations of unfitness, and errors in identifying bona fide parent-child […]

Co-captain of the World Cup-winning US Women’s Soccer team, Megan Rapinoe, continued to be outspoken on Sunday, when she made an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press. Naturally, the talk eventually turned to President Trump and his policies.  “I think that I would try to share our message. Do you believe that all people are created equal? Do you believe that […]

The Supreme Court blocked the Trump administration’s attempts to include a question on the 2020 census form asking U.S. residents whether or not they are citizens.  The court didn’t rule on whether or not including the citizenship question is unlawful but rather cited concerns over why the president’s administration wanted to include it in the first place. In […]