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Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said on Monday that the Minneapolis Police Department officers involved in the death of George Floyd will be charged to the “highest degree of accountability.” During the same interview, to the chagrin of some, he also expressed his belief that “rushing” the investigation would not be helpful. “Without commenting on […]

Thousands have been arrested amid nationwide protests spurred by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department. Over days of protests, which have been marred in multiple instances by aggressive police who are eager to take down activists and journalists alike, the Associated Press states that at least 4,400 people have […]

On Sunday, video emerged of J.R. Smith beating up a man who allegedly smashed his car windows during the L.A. protests. Earlier in the day, Smith hopped on his Instagram Stories to get ahead of a video that was bound to surface. “I just want y’all to know right now before you all see this shit somewhere else,” Smith […]

In a video posted on his Instagram on Sunday, Dennis Rodman asked people stop looting. In doing so, he acknowledged people’s anger over George Floyd‘s death (and compared it to the ’92 L.A. Riots), but said that the violent protests that have been taking place nightly for almost a week have made an already precarious time in American […]

Bill de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara de Blasio, was arrested on Saturday night, NBC News reports.  According to NYPD law enforcement, the NYC mayor’s daughter was arrested in Manhattan for “unlawful assembly.” She has since been released. Chiara’s arrest was just one of 345 that were made in New York City on Saturday, as protests over […]

Shocking footage of a tanker truck was captured on Sunday, as it attempted to drive through a large crowd of protesters holding a demonstration on Interstate 35W in Minneapolis, The Star Tribune reports.  According to The Star Tribune, dozens of marchers were seated or had taken a knee for a moment of silence on the highway, when the driver was […]

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced Saturday that all COVID-19 testing sites in the city would be closed, citing “safety worries” in wake of the ongoing protests over the death of George Floyd while in police custody, KTLA reports. When asked about his decision to order a city-wide closure of COVID-19 testing locations, as opposed to the curfew […]

On Sunday afternoon, Michael Jordan provided a statement related to the continuing protests and demonstrations that have been ongoing for the past several days. Jordan’s words come on the same day that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar penned an op-ed for The Los Angeles Times (more info on that here).  “I am deeply saddened, truly pained and plain angry,” Jordan’s statement […]

Over the past two and a half months, as much of our country has lived in quarantine, we’ve witnessed the violent loss of black lives with disturbing frequency. Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd have died at the hands of racists and law enforcement. Complex Networks recognizes the power of its platforms and is […]

Jake Paul has come under fire after a video of him and his friends looting a mall in Scottsdale, Arizona went viral. In the video, he and a group of people are shown outside and inside the mall, as they ransack and burglarize stores. In another video, Paul is shown with a group of people who […]