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It has not been a good week on the internet for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. As someone taking home five times the average American’s income, we figure she’ll be fine, but the rookie congressional representative from Georgia has been repeatedly called out this week over her history of fringe-right beliefs and advocacy of harmful conspiracy theories. […]

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a newly elected republican representative, repeatedly endorsed calls to execute prominent Democratic politicians before taking office. According to reporting from CNN, Greene frequently used her Facebook to endorse threats of violence against Democrats in 2018 and 2019 as a supporter of the QAnon conspiracy, which falsely accuses politicians and celebrities of participating […]

The pro-Trump supporter who was seen roaming around the US Capitol last week in a fur hat with horns was taken into custody in Phoenix Saturday morning and charged with disorderly conduct, violent entry, and illegally being on restricted spaces within the Capitol grounds. Since then, he hasn’t eaten anything in the detention facility because, according to […]

An unsettling amount of Trump supporters believe Democrats are involved in “a satanic pedophile ring,” according to a national survey conducted by Yahoo News/YouGov. The poll reveals about 48 percent of the president’s base has heard of the unfounded conspiracy theory propagated by the QAnon. However, when specifically asked about the movement’s underlying claims, 50 percent said they believe high-ranking Democrats were involved […]

Facebook has banned all QAnon accounts from its platforms. The social networking giant announced the move on Tuesday, following mounting pressure to effectively crack down on the far-right conspiracy movement.  “Starting today, we will remove Facebook Pages, Groups and Instagram accounts for representing QAnon,” Facebook wrote in a press release. “We’re starting to enforce this updated policy today and are […]