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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott revealed on Sunday that one person was killed and several others were injured following a shooting at Starrville Methodist Church in Winona, Texas, CNN reports.  “Our hearts are with the victims and the families of those killed or injured in this terrible tragedy,” Gov. Abbott said in a statement. Smith County Sheriff’s […]

A church in Murdock, Minnesota was just granted a conditional use permit to operate a white-only church in the town. NBC News cited that the Asatru Folk Assembly—which originated in Northern Europe and allows only white people to practice its religion—had the permit approved by the Murdock City Council this month. The organization has been labeled a “neo-Volkisch […]

Even MAGA-loving televangelist Pat Robertson, who just two months ago claimed to have heard directly from a higher power that Trump would win the 2020 election, is now urging the failed steak salesman to accept the loss and “move on.” During a livestream of whatever the 700 Club is on Monday, Robertson—dressed in a nightmarish […]

Plenty of people found something to praise among the Sun-released audio of Tom Cruise yelling at his Mission: Impossible crew for COVID-19 safety violations. While some were quick to point out problems with how Cruise delivered the remarks, the general consensus seemed to be that it was kind of nice to hear someone taking the […]

According to a press release put out on Monday by the FBI, reported hate crimes in America in 2019 reached the highest level they’ve been at since 2008.  Data collected from participating law enforcement agencies pinned the total number of crimes meeting the criteria at 7,314, which (again) reaches the highest total since 7,783 such crimes were recorded […]

Trump supporters who have clearly been drinking improbable amounts of the proverbial Kool-Aid believe kneeling in prayer can somehow have a magic effect on math. Thursday night, supporters of Trump—whose catalog of failures includes a botched steak-hawking endeavor and an equally botched re-election attempt—gathered outside the Clark County Election Department in Nevada to drop down […]

Paula White, a prosperity gospel hawker and so-called “spiritual adviser” to Trump, has careened into headlines this week thanks to a video featuring some startling nonsensicality centered around the 2020 presidential election. The clips in question, which are rife with memeable bullshittery, come from a recent livestream event during which White attempted to passionately pray (i.e. scream into […]

Amy Coney Barrett, Trump‘s pick to succeed the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the Supreme Court, spells potential trouble for a multitude of reasons impossible to overstate. Earlier this month, for example, Lambda Legal—the largest national legal organization with a mission focused on securing and maintaining “full recognition” of civil rights for LGBTQ people—published an […]

Christians have raised more than $500,000 for Kyle Rittenhouse‘s legal defense, arguing—presumably after clicking the little “pray now” button on the fundraising site or whatever—that the 17-year-old from Illinois who’s been charged with first-degree intentional homicide “bravely tried to defend his community.” The fundraiser, housed on the self-described “No. 1 free Christian fundraising site” GiveSendGo, has been […]

“God is not done with California,” Sean Feucht, a self-described “founder of multiple movements” and a “lover of Jesus Christ,” bragged over the weekend. Perhaps to his surprise, neither is COVID-19. Feucht, further described in this CBS Sacramento report as a pastor associated with Bethel Church in Redding, also boasted about an alleged attendance of more than 12,000 […]