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Before he retired quietly last year, a former FBI boss was considered a “skilled predator” who sexually harassed eight of his employees, according to a federal report obtained by the Associated Press.  The report goes into detail on the Office of Inspector General’s conclusion that James Hendricks harassed the women, one of whom said she’d have to carry […]

Coming off the heels of a Grammy nomination, Chika said she’s decided to step away from music because of the “mental toll” of the music industry. In a message posted on her Twitter Sunday, which was titled “It’s really cool watching the world not give a fuck and paint you as a villian,” Chika said she can no longer […]

Keyshia Cole is preparing to make a huge and unexpected career move. The Grammy-nominated singer took to Twitter on Wednesday to announce her retirement from music. Cole shared the news while responding to tweets from fans, one of which reminded her to “stay focused.” “I’m retiring…” Cole replied. The announcement immediately caused a stir, as many wondered why she […]

New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees announced his retirement on Sunday, making a move that a lot of people saw coming official. “Til the very end I exhausted myself to give everything to the Saints organization, my team and the great City of New Orleans,” Brees wrote on Instagram. “We shared some amazing moments together, […]

Mathew Knowles has announced that he’ll be retiring from the music industry. “In the next two years, I will have transitioned completely out of the music industry… my plan is to be completely dedicated to mentoring, academia,” he told Page Six. “There’s nothing negative about [the decision]. I’m personally ready to move on. I’ll continue to […]

Emma Watson’s representative has cleared up a report that claimed she has postponed her career. The rep now contends that Watson hasn’t quit acting. The response follows a story from Daily Mail that quoted Watson’s agent as saying the actress has become “dormant.” The publication wrote, “That appears to be movie-speak for she’s ‘given up […]

Tim Tebow announced Wednesday that he’s retiring from professional baseball.  Tebow signed with the New York Mets in September 2016, pursuing a dream that ended in his junior year of high school. In the very first at-bat of his minor league career, Tebow blasted a home-run. Two years later, Tebow moved up to Double-A where he […]

After he finishes his next album, Bow Wow says he’s done with rap. Don’t act so shocked he’s said this before (oh wait, you’re not shocked, never mind). As for what the next venture will be for the still-only 33-year-old, well, if what he tweeted out on Monday is to be believed then he’ll be going […]

A former Border Patrol agent is facing up to a year in prison for allegedly spraying urine all over a number of items in his supervisor’s cubicle prior to retiring last summer, the New York Post reports.  Eduardo Flores, Jr., of Amherst, NY, is being accused of filling up a spray bottle with urine and squirting […]

After stepping up to the challenge and helping the Lakers win its first post-Kobe Bryant title, Dion Waiters is now contemplating closing out his professional career.  During a recent Instagram Live session, Waiters showed off his championship ring while talking about his future. “They think I’m playing. I been contemplating it though—about retiring,” Waiters said. […]