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Two years after Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion sparked outrage with a risqué performance of “WAP” at the 2021 Grammy Awards, another duo is facing heat from the conservative crowd due to its controversial appearance at last Sunday’s show. After taking home the Grammy for best pop duo/group performance earlier in the evening for their chart-topping collaborative single “Unholy,” Sam […]

A bishop in Spain called it quits last month after he fell in love with a woman known for writing Satanic erotic fan fiction, BBC News reports.  Xavier Novell, 52, cited “strictly personal reasons” when he announced his decision to step down 11 years after becoming Spain’s youngest bishop. The Catholic site Religion Digital reported on […]

Lil Nas X is speaking out after Tony Hawk announced the release of limited edition skateboards with his blood mixed into the deck paint. Back in March, Nas X dropped his own blood-infused merch, the controversial Satan-themed Nike Air Max 97s, which were made with real human blood. The “Satan Shoes” sparked outrage, leading to a lawsuit between Nike and Brooklyn-based product […]

Hydroxychloroquine is once again being touted as a treatment for COVID-19, and this time by a Houston-based doctor who believes face masks won’t curb transmission of the virus. Dr. Stella Immanuel has become an internet sensation, pulling in tens of millions of views on a Facebook video on Monday, recorded by Breitbart. The Daily Beast […]

Unless you just enjoy torturing yourself by mindlessly abstaining from things that will bring you limitless joy, then you’re well aware that Eternal Atake—the long-awaited new album from Lil Uzi Vert—landed on Earth this past Friday.  In a new interview published on Sunday, an assortment of producers and other collaborators responsible for what eventually became […]

Happy Eternal Atake Day. Lil Uzi Vert surprise-dropped his long-awaited Luv Is Rage 2 follow-up on Friday, gifting patient fans with 18 tracks fittingly represented with some extraterrestrial cult-themed cover art. The album’s final moments are pleasingly punctuated with the track “P2,” which—much to fans’ additional surprise—serves as a lyrically reflective sequel of sorts to Uzi’s breakthrough […]

The road to Eternal Atake may be long, but at least it’s not full of people making the same “the friends we made along the way” joke over and over again. We have, however, been riddled with vague release date teases and multiple perceived delays that have contributed to a general belief among many fans that […]

Eternal Atake soon come? We’ve had variations on this theme numerous times in recent months, but hopefully this is the real deal. At this weekend’s Rolling Loud festival, Lil Uzi Vert—whose mysterious new album has notably gone through multiple iterations—informed fans he recently finished up “the last song” for the delayed collection of exultation. “I […]

The horns have been axed. Indeed, a certain MIDI horns addition to Lil Uzi Vert‘s recently released “Sanguine Paradise” (originally known among fans as “Money Keep Coming”) has mysteriously disappeared from the version of the song available on Apple Music and other streaming platforms. Though it’s unclear when exactly the altered version—which brings the track […]

Though it pains me to say this, I am still not presently in a position to type out the words LIL UZI VERT GIFTS TROUBLED PLANET WITH ETERNAL ATAKE. However, there’s reason to believe the repeatedly teased but otherwise entirely mysterious new batch of 666ness from Uzi is indeed imminent. In keeping with the theme, […]

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