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For the first time ever astronomers have located a fast radio burst (FRB) that regularly repeats itself. Don’t know what an FRB is? Well, we’ll try our best to explain it to you.  Science Alert defines them as mysterious deep space signals that are unpredictable. CNN adds that they’re millisecond-long radio wave bursts from space. They can […]

As cases of the coronavirus continue to grow, scientists around the world are conducting research in an attempt to prevent a full-blown global pandemic. Among the most biggest questions plaguing experts? How did the deadly virus transmit from animals to humans. A team of Chinese researchers may have found the answer. Scientists at South China Agricultural University have identified the endangered […]

A fresh cannabinoid dubbed THCP has inspired a wave of cravings-inducing headlines, due in large part to reports highlighting its potential for more than 30 times stronger potency than the old standard, THC. The compound, full name tetrahydrocannabiphorol, was discovered alongside another previously unknown compound that’s now being called CBDP. Per CNN, the latter is described as […]

It has been said time and time again—Earth is headed to hell in a hand basket. Now, a new study titled “Record-Setting Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019” further proves this fact by taking a look at the world’s oceans and showing just how much of an absolute disaster we have created. You know, to put it lightly. The study looks at the temperature […]

“Untold suffering” is to come by way of the increasingly-ignored-by-the-Powers-That-Be issue of climate change, thousands of scientists warned Tuesday. “Scientists have a moral obligation to clearly warn humanity of any catastrophic threat and to ‘tell it like it is,’” the statement, first published in the American Institute of Biological Sciences’ journal BioScience on Tuesday, reads. “On […]

As we’re all using screens right now to either write or read this very article, none of what is put forth in a new report from Common Sense Media on screen usage should come as a surprise. The report, first excerpted in a CNN piece early Tuesday, focuses on screen usage among teens (age 13 […]

Take it all with a grain of salt but cosmetic surgeon Dr. Julian De Silva used computer mapping techniques and ancient Greek math to name Bella Hadid the most beautiful woman on earth.  According to Harper’s Bazaar, De Silva measured faces of several superstars for the Greek Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi. Out of these women, Bella Hadid topped his […]

Scientists revealed that the planet narrowly evaded a catastrophe after a massive asteroid barely missed Earth. Asteroid 2019 OK was speeding past Earth last week, traveling at nearly 15 miles per second, according to the Washington Post. The most surprising fact about this reveal is that scientist were unaware of the asteroid’s presence until hours […]

We’ve officially moved beyond the eternal “do fish feel pain?” question to discover the unique types of bad vibes that fish can feel. A new study suggests that fish can get the blues, get in a funk, or otherwise feel down after they lose their partner.  French researchers found that a type of fish known […]

Honestly, the Moon—with its beautiful, minimalist design and presumably comfortable lack of gravity—seems like the perfect place to live. As Earth continues to go further down the rabbit hole of inevitable self-destruction, plans for NASA‘s reliably ambitious lunar return have surfaced. Are Technica’s Eric Berger came through with word Monday that a fresh plan for […]