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student loans

Thousands of people will soon be free of student loan debt. On Wednesday, the U.S. Education Department announced it had identified an additional 30,000 borrowers who are now eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness—a program that forgives student debt for various public servants who make 10 years of monthly payments. PSLF was created about 15 […]

Navient has settled a lawsuit with 39 states, alleging that the student loan company was acting in a predatory manner when giving loans to borrowers who were accumulating billions in debt—an absurd amount that they likely could never pay back.  Per the New York Times, Navient’s $1.85 billion deal means the company has to pay $95 million […]

Progressive members of the Democratic Party think that further action needs to be taken regarding student debt, especially as the 2022 midterms are looming. They feel that it could, in fact, cost the Democrats to lose voters and seats if the Biden administration doesn’t make good on canceling student loan debt. Progressive Democrats expressed their […]

Unlike the beloved Joe Byron, who the whole internet was going to give a big-ole kiss just a few weeks back, the actual U.S. President Joe Biden isn’t seeing much love on Twitter. And he will apparently not be doing any executive order magic to wipe student loan debt as many had hoped. As announced by press […]

President Biden’s latest budget will reportedly not include forgiveness for student loan debt. In previous news on the combination of Biden and student loans, the then-presidential-candidate had campaigned on his support of wiping out $10,000 of undergrad/grad student debt per year of national or community service, up to five years and $50K. After winning the election […]

Joe Biden may be changing his tune on massive student loan forgiveness. During an interview with Politco on Thursday, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain confirmed the president is exploring his options on canceling a large chunk of debt held by federal student loan borrowers. Klain said Biden has asked Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona to prepare a memo that […]

President-elect Joe Biden admitted that it’s “unlikely” he will use an executive order to eliminate upwards of $50,000 in student loan debt. “It’s arguable that the president may have the executive power to forgive up to $50,000 in student debt,” Biden told a group of newspaper columnists Wednesday, per The Washington Post. “Well, I think that’s pretty questionable. I’m unsure of that. I’d be […]

Americans, unsurprisingly, are currently estimated to have $1.64 trillion dollars of student debt combined. With a presidential election on the horizon, the topic of student debt—as always—is again rising to the top for many prospective voters as we look ahead to the next four years. “For students that are looking for ways to offset debt, I think […]

If you’re watching this and are anything like me, and the millions of other college grads in this country, there’s a good chance that you’re paying off your student loans. There are more than 44 million borrowers who collectively owe $1.5 trillion in student loan debt in the U.S. alone. Student loan debt is now […]

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