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A new study shows that vaping THC may be worse for teens than smoking weed or cigarettes, or vaping nicotine. The University of Michigan’s findings indicate when vaping cannabis, adolescents aged 12 to 17 have a greater chance of lung injury symptoms like developing a dry cough or wheezing, which can hinder sleep, speech, or exercise. According […]

A new study suggests that a person’s blood type could impact their susceptibility to COVID-19. Published on March 3, 2021 in the scientific journal Blood Advances, the study indicates that the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV2, appears to have a blood type preference. In particular, COVID-19 seems to gravitate towards blood group A in respiratory cells. […]

The guaranteed income program in Stockton, California, has been deemed a success. It was just two years ago when the city launched the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, an initiative that aimed to prove the effectiveness of a universal basic income. According to the Associated Press, 125 residents were selected to receive a guaranteed monthly payment of […]

Researchers are pouring water on the belief that microdosing LSD actually does anything (at least, anything positive) for those who do it. According to The Guardian, the practice became a Silicon Valley trend and then spread outwards from there. The belief was that it boosted mood, sharpened cognitive abilities, and made people more creative. Let us note […]

A new study shows 38 percent of Americans would sacrifice having sex for a year just for the opportunity to travel again in the near future, per CNBC. In the UK, the number is slightly higher at 40 percent.  The survey conducted by the travel search site Trivago finds that when presented with that same ultimatum, 48 […]

A recent report has ranked Toronto and Vancouver among the most expensive cities for real estate in the world. The report, published by the Urban Reform Institute and Frontier Centre for Public Policy, showed that Toronto is “severely unaffordable,” a category for markets found to have a price-to-income ratio of 5.1 or more. The city […]

Health maintenance organization (HMO) Clalit, the largest healthcare provider in Israel, has reported a drop of 94 percent of symptomatic COVID-19 infections from a group of 600,000 people who have gotten both of the necessary doses of the Pfizer vaccine, according to Reuters.  HMO Clalit covers more than half of Israel’s population, and also reported that […]

If you’ve been feeling dumpier than usual lately, know that you’re not alone. New research suggests Canadians are among the saddest and most anxious people in the world at present.  Gee, thanks for that factoid, science.  UK-based online contact lens shop Lenstore compiled data from 10 health metrics for 24 countries, basically by sleuthing a […]

A newly published study suggests the Milky Way galaxy could contain alien civilizations, though there’s a strong possibility most of them are already dead. Researchers from the California Institute of Technology, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Santiago High School used an expanded version of the famous Drake Equation, which determined the odds of extraterrestrial intelligence existing in our galaxy. The […]

The coronavirus has dramatically changed the world’s way of life. One German study has offered a light at the end of the tunnel for concertgoers.  The New York Times reported on Tuesday that a team at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg published a study claiming that the risk of spreading COVID-19 during an indoor concert is “low […]

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