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Doja Cat enjoys goading idiots, as we all should. In a series of tweets this week, Doja pointed specifically to those who adhere to brainless illuminati conspiracy theories and constantly try to make nonexistent connections between and among various celebrities.  “[P]laying with people’s ignorance and stupidity for my own happiness and personal gain >,” she […]

Over the weekend, a group of “homophobic protestors”—including a group by the name of Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries—was stationed outside of a Lil Nas X show in the Boston area. As is often the case with these types of stunts, the group employed the use of a microphone for the purposes of yelling into the void […]

As if this past weekend’s Astroworld tragedy wasn’t bad enough on its own, a secondary problem has surfaced in the ensuing days centered around the spreading of offensively stupid conspiracy theories. At the center of much of this spreading is TikTok, where videos positing Satanic Panic-esque fabrications have gained traction. Unfortunately, you’ve likely seen some of […]

Police who don’t understand what edibles are and/or remain vested in full-blown propaganda of the antiquated Reefer Madness variety are at it again. The latest example began with a tweet about an upcoming 6abc report out of Pennsylvania regarding Bensalem police, namely their “warning” to parents about Halloween candy “laced with THC.” Hilariously, albeit frustratingly, […]

In recent weeks, you may have seen a slew of articles focused on the diminishing amount of men enrolled in college, pushing some experts to warn why this may be a bad sign for the future of American society. In short, as one professor explained, this gap is resulting in a heightened production rate of the “most dangerous” type […]

Three Vermont state troopers have resigned following allegations related to fake COVID-19 vaccination cards. Per a statement released by the Vermont State Police, two troopers—identified as Shawn Sommers and Raymond Witkowski—handed in their resignations on Aug. 10. The previous day, another trooper had “raised concerns with supervisors” about their conduct. Trooper David Pfindel, meanwhile, resigned […]

Dog the Bounty Hunter, for reasons not entirely clear, is still being given screen time. And in a recent example of this, he used that platform to make the proximity argument when addressing his use of the n-word. In an interview with Kevin Frazier for Entertainment Tonight, Dog—whose real name is Duane Chapman—responded to recent criticism from […]

Multiple states are currently struggling to keep pace with COVID-19 cases, with five now reported to have less than 10 percent of their ICU beds left. The latest data from the Department of Health and Human Services, as spotted by Madeline Holcombe for CNN on Tuesday, shows that the following states are nearly out of […]

Authorities in California are searching for a man they say attacked two vaccination clinic workers over the weekend. The attack occurred at a COVID-19 vaccine clinic that had been set up at the site of the former Santa Clarita Senior Center, per a regional NBC report from Christine Kim. Around 4:30 local time on Saturday, […]

A man was stabbed during a so-called “protest” against vaccine mandates in Los Angeles this weekend. The Los Angeles Police Department said on Saturday they were “monitoring a protest” taking place at the south lawn of Los Angeles City Hall. At the time, police claimed they were at the scene to “maintain order” following a fight. […]

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