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Facebook boss and alleged goat ingester Mark Zuckerberg gave a keynote address this week about the site’s future privacy plans, an event that would have been ridiculous enough given their history with the topic. For added ridiculousness, Zuckerberg used the opportunity to attempt a joke on the issue that, unsurprisingly, appears to have not connected at all. […]

As expected, HBO has confirmed it isn’t exactly keen on people like Trump using its properties as political devices. In response to a Trump tweet amidst Mueller Report Mania Thursday, HBO snuck in some Game of Thrones promo while affirming their disapproval of using the network’s intellectual property. “Though we can understand the enthusiasm for […]

A new challenge among teenagers is going viral, rivaling last year’s Tide pod epidemic in stupidity. The Arizona Republic reports the “shell on” challenge to be the latest craze among Snapchat users. Kids simply dare their friends to eat food, but the catch is the packaging (or shell) has to stay on while they munch it. The word “shell” is […]

An Arizona woman in her 30s was attacked by a jaguar at a zoo after she attempted to get a photo with the big cat. The Wildlife World Zoo in Litchfield Park, Arizona confirmed the reports of an attack on Twitter, stating that the unnamed woman sustained “non-life threatening injuries to their arm.” In a […]

Alec Baldwin‘s (admittedly overrated) impression of that creepy comb-over guy who hangs out in the White House sometimes hit SNL again this weekend. Predictably, the appearance was later met with a few public sentences from the idiotic subject himself, featuring multiple instances of bizarre capitalization decisions and general childlike whining. However, tucked into this latest display […]

Roger Stone, widely known as an “informal adviser” to the current purported POTUS, has been arrested. Stone was arrested early Friday by the FBI and has been charged with multiple counts by Robert Mueller‘s office, per the Washington Post. The charges for this general idiot and Guy I Wouldn’t Be Surprised to Find Out Was Just […]

This week in our ongoing series Wow What a Fucking Terrible Idea, we have word of a bar backing out of originally announced plans to host a “MLKegs” event on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Indeed, the Des Moines Register reported Monday that Deringer’s Public Parlor in Cedar Falls, Iowa originally planned to throw the MLKegs event […]